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《八宅明镜》是2010年世界知识出版社出版的图书,作者是唐代杨筠松,撰者是清代箬冠道人,白话全译是陈明。该书是一部专论阳宅的堪舆名著。《八宅明镜》是八宅派的扛鼎之作。八宅派起源于唐代,盛行于宋代。宋代以后,这一流派代代相传,竟在阳宅相度中独占魁首,深入人心,特别在海内外华人聚居之处,更是奉八宅派为正宗。八宅明镜就是“八宅法”,它把人与宅分成八类,再归纳为东西两大类,东四命适合住东四宅,西四命适合住西四宅,并对男女合婚也提出了具体的操作方法,是流传最久、影响最广、阅读人数最多的一本阳宅风水书籍。八宅派只所以在中国古代堪舆领域中独占鳌头,久盛不衰,因为此书和《地理五诀》一样,在复杂的风水理论中,化繁为简,提出了几个人们容易接受的论点,从而以点带面,深入到风水的理论中去。并在此理论指导下,讲解很多具体操作的方法。《八宅明镜》主要从人的年命,三元着手,并强调门、灶和吉凶方,从而融会贯通,达到相度阳宅的目的。《八宅明镜》系专论阳宅的典范之作。 阳宅相法为中国风水术的重要组成部分,传承弥久、历代推衍应用,形成了一套十分复杂的体系,它对中国传统建筑,尤其是居住建筑、产生了广泛而深刻的影响。 很多人认为风水一事,指的是阴宅祖坟。实际上人民居住的阳宅比阴宅重要的多;但很少有人知道这一点。根据现代科学验证:人们对居住环境的选择首先要顺其自然,创造良好的居住环境,才可以达到“人宅相扶,感通天地”的理想效果。《八宅明镜》也称为“八宅法”,它把人与宅分成八类,再归纳为东西两大类,东四命适合住东四宅,西四命适合住西四宅,并对男女合婚也提出了具体的操作方法,是流传最久、影响最广、阅读人数最多的一本阳宅风水书籍。本书由深入浅,循序渐进,即使初学风水的人,也一看就懂,一懂就用,一用就灵!杨筠松.名益,字叔茂,号筠松,后人也称为“杨救贫”。窦州人(现广东省信宜人)。 生于唐文宗太和八年(公元834年),死于唐光化三年(公元900年)。 杨筠松为唐僖宗朝国师,官至金紫光禄大夫,掌灵台地理事,为唐朝著名地理风水学家。 因为其用地理风水术行于世,是贫者致富,所以世人称其为“救贫”先生,后人由此也称其为“杨救贫”。
The Eight Mansions Mirror “is a book published by World Knowledge Publishing House in 2010. The author is Yang Junsong from the Tang Dynasty, and the author is a Taoist from Ruo Guan in the Qing Dynasty. The vernacular translation is Chen Ming. This book is a masterpiece specializing in Yangzhai. The Eight Mansions Mirror “is a masterpiece of the Eight Mansions School. The Ba Zhai School originated in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, this school of thought was passed down from generation to generation, and even dominated the Yangzhai Xiangdu, deeply ingrained in people’s hearts, especially in places where Chinese people gathered at home and abroad, and even worshipped the Bazhai School as the authentic school. The Eight Mansions Mirror is the “Eight Mansions Method”, which divides people and houses into eight categories and then divides them into two main categories: East Four Mansions are suitable for living in East Four Mansions, and West Four Mansions are suitable for living in West Four Mansions. It also proposes specific operating methods for male and female marriage, and is the most widely circulated, influential, and widely read Yang Mansion Feng Shui book. The Ba Zhai School only held the top position in the field of ancient Chinese geomancy and remained prosperous for a long time, because like the “Five Secrets of Geography”, this book simplifies complexity in complex feng shui theories and proposes several easily accepted arguments, thus delving deeper into the theory of feng shui from point to area. And under the guidance of this theory, explain many specific operational methods. The “Eight Mansions Mirror” mainly starts from the age and three elements of a person, and emphasizes the door, stove, and auspicious and inauspicious formulas, in order to integrate and achieve the goal of Xiangdu Yangzhai. The Eight Mansions Mirror “is a classic work that focuses on the Yang Mansion. The Yangzhai Xiangfa is an important component of Chinese feng shui, which has been passed down for a long time and has been applied through generations, forming a very complex system. It has had a wide and profound impact on traditional Chinese architecture, especially residential buildings. Many people believe that feng shui refers to the ancestral tomb of the Yin house. In fact, the sun houses where people live are much more important than the shade houses; But few people know this. According to modern scientific verification, people’s choice of living environment should first be natural and create a good living environment, in order to achieve the ideal effect of “people and houses supporting each other, connecting heaven and earth”. The “Mirror of Eight Houses”, also known as the “Eight Houses Law,” divides people and houses into eight categories and further categorizes them into two major categories: the Eastern and Western Four Destiny, which are suitable for living in the Eastern and Western Four Houses. It also proposes specific operating methods for men and women to get married, and is the most widely circulated, influential, and widely read Yang Mansion Feng Shui book. This book is deep and shallow, gradually progressing. Even beginners of feng shui can easily understand, use, and use it! Yang Junsong, named Yi, also known as Shumao and Junsong, was later known as “Yang Jiupao”. Douzhou people (now from Xinyi, Guangdong Province). Born in the eighth year of Taihe reign of Emperor Wenzong of Tang (834 AD) and died in the third year of Guanghua reign of Tang (900 AD). Yang Junsong was the national teacher of Emperor Xizong of Tang Dynasty, appointed as a high-ranking official of Jin Ziguang Lu, and the director of the Ling Terrace. He was a famous geographer and feng shui expert of the Tang Dynasty. Because he used geographical feng shui techniques to practice in the world and made the poor rich, people called him Mr. “Saving the Poor”, and later generations also referred to him as “Yang Saving the Poor”.

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