Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 238P 血型星座生肖全揭秘
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The Complete Revealing of Blood Type Constellations and Zodiac Signs is a book published by New World Publishing House in 2010, written by a fashion expert.
The main content of “The Complete Revelation of Blood Type Constellations and Zodiac Signs” is that people with type A blood are understanding, not harsh, and do not fuss over details. People with type A blood rarely breed trouble. They are good students in school and good employees at work. As long as it is not a matter of principle, even if there is a conflict with others, one should be good at putting oneself in the shoes of others, and then turn the big picture into a small one. Therefore, friends all feel that they are very loyal and reliable. People with type A blood are not easy to make promises, and if there are agreements with others, they will definitely abide by them. People with type A blood enjoy helping others, but they are unwilling to owe others. Once they accept someone’s kindness, they will definitely repay it and are highly trusted by their friends.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 238P 血型星座生肖全揭秘


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