Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 72P 真書千字文.巌谷修書
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巌谷修真書千字文,洗心書屋発兌,早稲田大学図書館藏。岩谷一六(1834~1905),名修,字诚卿,日本人。明治元年为征士,补总裁局史官。又经内阁书记官为元老院议员、贵族院议员。明治十三年杨守敬赴日与日下部鸣鹤,松田雪柯同入其门受教。被誉为十九世纪影响振兴近现代日本书坛的 “三驾马车”之一。
The thousands of words in the Xiuzhen Book of Akiya, the Heart Washing Book House, and the Book Collection of Waseda University. Yangu 16 (1834-1905), named Xiu, with the word Chengqing, is Japanese. In the first year of the Meiji era, he served as a soldier and served as a historian of the Bureau of President. The cabinet clerk is also a member of the Senate and the House of Lords. In the 13th year of the Meiji era, Yang Shoujing went to Japan to sing cranes in the lower part of the sun, and Matsuda Xueke joined his family for education. It is known as one of the “three carriages” that influenced and revitalized the modern Japanese literary world in the 19th century.

Art艺术 Calligraphy书法 72P 真書千字文.巌谷修書

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