►   站内排名:No.3403   ◄

Lishu, a type of Chinese characters, includes Qin Lishu, Han Lishu, etc. It is generally believed that it was developed from the seal script. Most of the characters are wide and flat, with long horizontal strokes and short vertical strokes. It stresses “silk head and swallow tail” and “twists and turns”.
According to the unearthed bamboo slips, the official script was first created in the Qin Dynasty. It is said that Cheng Miao worked as an official script. The Han official script reached its peak in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It inherited the tradition of the seal script from the upper part to the lower part of the Wei Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has a great influence on the calligraphy of later generations. In the calligraphy world, it is called “Han Li Tang regular script”.


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