Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 271P 我在人间与灵界对话
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卡陰、見鬼、通靈、附身、接收異空間的訊息 傳遞往生靈魂的遺言、窺看前世今生與未來…… 你以為這些只是怪力亂神、太累眼花或是疑心生暗鬼? 光是台灣,敏感體質者和靈修人至少就有200萬…… 甚至,你就是其中一員! 你可以不相信, 但這個看不到、摸不透的世界,一直在你身邊! 從來沒遇過鬼、通過靈,也可以身歷其境精采刺激的超自然體驗 靈修男的奇幻修行日記,給你最不一樣的生命之旅 他曾當過王品餐飲集團企劃主任, 卻也差變成上宮壇的神職人員; 他週遭有人被「阿飄」搞到快發瘋, 但也接收過來自靈界最珍貴美好的訊息…… 只不過放鬆一下身子,體內就突然有股莫名力量湧出、手腳不自主地揮舞、嘴巴還劈哩啪拉吐出一串串自己沒聽過的語言,就像體內還有「其他人」一樣……《我在人間與靈界對話》是一位年輕靈修男的親身經歷,他不是卡到陰、也沒有被惡靈附身、當然更不是精神異常,這只是他的…(展开全部) 卡陰、見鬼、通靈、附身、接收異空間的訊息 傳遞往生靈魂的遺言、窺看前世今生與未來…… 你以為這些只是怪力亂神、太累眼花或是疑心生暗鬼? 光是台灣,敏感體質者和靈修人至少就有200萬…… 甚至,你就是其中一員! 你可以不相信, 但這個看不到、摸不透的世界,一直在你身邊! 從來沒遇過鬼、通過靈,也可以身歷其境精采刺激的超自然體驗 靈修男的奇幻修行日記,給你最不一樣的生命之旅 他曾當過王品餐飲集團企劃主任, 卻也差變成上宮壇的神職人員; 他週遭有人被「阿飄」搞到快發瘋, 但也接收過來自靈界最珍貴美好的訊息…… 只不過放鬆一下身子,體內就突然有股莫名力量湧出、手腳不自主地揮舞、嘴巴還劈哩啪拉吐出一串串自己沒聽過的語言,就像體內還有「其他人」一樣……《我在人間與靈界對話》是一位年輕靈修男的親身經歷,他不是卡到陰、也沒有被惡靈附身、當然更不是精神異常,這只是他的「元神」覺醒了。 這是一個發現自我的奇幻旅程!他曾是個無憂無慮的青春少年,22歲那年突然開始與元神有了緊張刺激的第一次親密接觸,從不依賴宗教的他因為太混亂了,開始求神問卜到處SOS(結果每位仙佛鬼神講的答案都不同OTZ);雖然也曾跑遍各大靈山、差點當上神職人員,但他還是決定把修行融入生活之中,甚至還當了4年的王品餐飲集團企劃主任(主任,原來你是通靈人……囧),吃遍全台美食! 原來如此!9大奇妙遭遇真實告白,揭開啟靈和靈修的神祕面紗。 解開你我都霧煞煞的7大迷思,帶你透視另一個世界。 17個一般人和靈修人都很想問的Q&A,所有的疑惑一次解答。 從發現元神時的驚慌不安、探索神祕體驗過程中的種種疑惑,到最後與元神和平共處、專心靈修,他始終以思辨的精神和眼光來研究和看待。你認為有靈通能力、能接收另一個世界的訊息很神奇嗎?但對他而言,「人應該要面對的,通靈人一樣沒有特權避開。」若現世生活無法圓滿處理、活得自在,再多修行其實也沒什麼意義!透過最真切、誠實的告白,這不為人知的奇異歷程和神祕面紗、非常人能體驗的世界,終於有了最真實且人性的面貌,除了打開靈修的潘朵拉之盒,為有敏感體質或正為啟靈後的生活感到徬徨的人開啟一個全新的思考窗口外,作者也以親眼所聞、所見,為世人對神祕學、對靈修、對宗教、對習俗、對鬼神之事的各種疑問,提供了另一種答案和觀點: 不一樣的靈修聲音:你可能聽過通靈、靈修,想要進一步了解卻又害怕被不肖的宮壇、神棍欺騙,本書讓你不必再像無頭蒼蠅四處胡亂拜拜。 最真誠的靈修人告白:你的身邊也有通靈人,甚至你就是通靈人?作者在啟靈後曾經無助徬徨、四處尋找答案,現在要以親身經歷告訴你:啟靈後可以怎麼做! 透視另一個世界:對靈異現象既畏懼又好奇,卡陰、撞鬼怎麼辦?每個人都有專屬的守護靈和指導靈?種種你對靈界、神鬼、生死等的迷思,一次解答! 宗教和你想的不一樣:不同的宗教、教派何其多,到底該相信誰?作者以過來人的經驗,指出再好的理論、觀點和教意,都還是要經過自己的思辨最重要。 宇色 本名李振瑋,10月9日生,生命靈數7,風向天秤座A型。外在很慵懶,上昇╱太陽都落在天秤;內在卻龜毛,月亮落處女。 22歲無預警下自我啟靈,自此踏上了靈修之路。 l24歲差一點步入當擔彰化某慈惠堂神職人員。 26歲之前,跑遍台灣數大靈修廟宇。 l28歲進入王品餐飲集團任職企劃主任,吃遍全台美食;同年,從事通靈塔羅牌占卜師。 資歷: ◎奧修新靈氣一級合格。 ◎中華民國瑜珈協會合格老師。 ◎2009入圍全球華文部落格大獎--年度最佳興趣嗜好部落格。 ◎水映自然--魅力
My Dialogue with the Spirit Realm on Earth “is a book published by Persimmon Culture Co., Ltd. The author is Yu Se

Kayin, ghosts, channeling, possession, receiving messages from other spaces, passing on the last words of the souls of the past, and peering into the past, present, and future… Do you think these are just strange powers, too tired, or suspicious of dark ghosts? In Taiwan alone, there are at least 2 million sensitive individuals and spiritual practitioners… and even you are one of them! You may not believe it, but this invisible and impenetrable world is always by your side! I have never encountered a ghost, and through the spirit, I can also experience the exquisite and thrilling supernatural experience of the spiritual man’s fantasy cultivation diary, giving you the most unique journey of life. He once served as the planning director of the Wangpin Catering Group, but almost became a clergyman on the palace altar; Someone around him was driven crazy by “Ah Piao”, but he also received the most precious and beautiful message from the spiritual world… Just relax and suddenly, an inexplicable force surged out of his body, his hands and feet involuntarily waved, and his mouth even spat out a string of language he had never heard before, just like there were “others” inside his body… “I Talk to the Spirit World on Earth” is a young spiritual man’s personal experience, He is not stuck in Yin, nor is he possessed by evil spirits, nor is he mentally abnormal, this is just his (Expand all) card yin, ghost, channeling, possession, receiving messages from other spaces, passing on the last words of the souls of the past, peering into the past, present, and future… Do you think these are just strange and confusing, too tired and dizzy, or suspicious of generating dark ghosts? In Taiwan alone, there are at least 2 million sensitive individuals and spiritual practitioners… and even you are one of them! You may not believe it, but this invisible and impenetrable world is always by your side! I have never encountered a ghost, and through the spirit, I can also experience the exquisite and thrilling supernatural experience of the spiritual man’s fantasy cultivation diary, giving you the most unique journey of life. He once served as the planning director of the Wangpin Catering Group, but almost became a clergyman on the palace altar; Someone around him was driven crazy by “Ah Piao”, but he also received the most precious and beautiful message from the spiritual world… Just relax and suddenly, an inexplicable force surged out of his body, his hands and feet involuntarily waved, and his mouth even spat out a string of language he had never heard before, just like there were “others” inside his body… “I Talk to the Spirit World on Earth” is a young spiritual man’s personal experience, He is not stuck in Yin, nor is he possessed by evil spirits, nor is he mentally abnormal. This is just the awakening of his “primordial spirit”. This is a fantastic journey to discover oneself! He was once a carefree young man, and at the age of 22, he suddenly had a tense and exciting first intimate contact with the Yuan Shen. He never relied on religion because he was too chaotic, and began to seek divination everywhere (as a result, each immortal, Buddha, ghost, or god told a different OTZ); Although he had traveled to various spiritual mountains and almost became a clergyman, he still decided to integrate his cultivation into his life, and even served as the planning director of the Wangpin Catering Group for 4 years (director, you turned out to be a psychic… embarrassing), eating all the delicious food in Taiwan! I see! 9 Wonderful Encounters: Real Confessions, Unveiling the Mysteries of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Cultivation. Unleash the 7 great mysteries of both you and me, and take you to perspective another world. 17 Q&A questions that both ordinary people and spiritual practitioners are eager to ask, all questions are answered at once. From the panic and unease of discovering the primordial god, the various doubts in exploring the mysterious experience, to the peaceful coexistence with the primordial god and the specialized spiritual cultivation, he always studies and views it with a speculative spirit and perspective. Do you think having the ability to communicate and receive messages from another world is magical? But for him, ‘what people should face is that psychics have no privilege to avoid it.’ If life in this world cannot be fully handled and lived at ease, no amount of practice is actually meaningless! Through the most sincere and honest confession, this unknown strange journey and mysterious veil, as well as the world that extraordinary people can experience, finally has the most real and human face. In addition to opening the Pandora’s box of spiritual practice, the author also opens a new window of thinking for those who have sensitive physical fitness or are feeling lost in their life after enlightenment. Through what the author has seen and heard with his own eyes, the author also provides the world with insights into mysticism, spirituality, religion, and customs The various questions about ghosts and gods provide another answer and perspective: different spiritual voices: you may have heard of channeling and spiritual cultivation, but you are afraid of being deceived by unworthy palaces and divinities. This book eliminates the need for you to worship like a headless fly everywhere. The most sincere confession from a spiritual practitioner: Do you also have psychics around you, or are you even a psychic? The author once felt helpless and lost after being awakened, searching for answers everywhere. Now, through personal experience, I want to tell you: what can be done after being awakened! Looking into another world: fearful and curious about supernatural phenomena, what should we do if we get stuck or hit ghosts? Everyone has their own guardian spirit and guiding spirit? All your myths about the spiritual realm, gods and ghosts, life and death, all answered at once! Religion is different from what you think: how many different religions and sects are there, and who should we believe? The author points out from the experience of previous people that even the best theories, viewpoints, and teachings require their own critical thinking. Yuse’s real name is Li Zhenwei, born on October 9th, with a life spirit count of 7 and a wind direction of Libra A. Externally lazy, the rising/setting sun falls on Libra; Internally but with glans hair, the moon falls on a virgin. At the age of 22, without warning, I self awakened and embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. At the age of 24, I almost entered a certain Cihui Church clergy in Changhua. Before the age of 26, he traveled to several major spiritual temples in Taiwan. At the age of 28, I joined Wang Pin Catering Group as the planning director and ate all the delicious food in Taiwan; In the same year, he worked as a psychic tarot card diviner. Qualification: ◎ Qualified at the first level of Aoxiu New Reiki. Qualified teacher of the Yoga Association of the Republic of China. 2009 Winner of the Global Chinese Blog Awards – Best Hobbies Blog of the Year. Water reflects nature – charm

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 271P 我在人间与灵界对话

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