Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 129P 天罗地网·经典老电影连环画
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《天罗地网》是由顾而已执导的电影,由石方禹担任编剧,陈天国等主演。 台湾蒋匪特务机关在美国顾问吐桑特的指使下,派出了他们认为最得力的第七号特务——郭浩潜入大陆,给他的任务是:查明大盖山匪军的残余力量,紧紧地抓住这个基地,以呼应美国在朝鲜的战争。我公安局方局长早就严密地注视着大盖山这个残匪的据点,并且知道这些到处流窜的残匪跟某城内潜伏的特务分子是有着联系的。 他把重要的任务交给侦察科长李桂林和公安干部王英。他们的任务首先是要侦察出敌人的联络站在哪里。一个自称是从台湾来的电报员钱志尧,走进了某城内一家商店——五洲百货店,跟经理林金标会了面。林金标是某城内潜伏的特务组织的头目,他俩交换了暗号后,林金标就完全信任了他,把电报交给他收发。最使林金标吃惊的,紧接钱志尧之后,台湾又派来了一个表情严肃的家伙,从外表看,这个人显然很有来历,说话动作,处处小心。这就是特务郭浩,他从香港混进这里了。他第一个命令,要林金标在20天内拿到我海防部署的情报。林金标开始动作了。对象是粮食局的工作人员郑希达。请客、吃饭、带他买手表,最后就要他合伙“做粮食买卖”。郑希达就上了圈套了。郭浩住在他自己家里,为了不露面,经常叫他年幼的外甥女金一萍去跟林金标联系,一萍在市立女中念书,她班上的教师何瑞先,是王英的好朋友。当然,在这帮匪徒们自鸣得意的时候,公安人员早把“天罗地网”撒下了。郑希达进了圈套,郭浩就决定亲自到大盖山去走一趟。林金标替他介绍了联络站的特务李彬,李彬给他介绍了一个猎户王善福,准备第二天陪他上山。事实上,李彬早向我公安局自首,而这位“枪法好,山路熟”的猎户,也正是王英乔装改扮的。郭浩在山里找到了这帮溃不成军的残匪,匪首刘团长向他大叫大嚎地诉说了自己的苦况,郭浩以“专员”身份,抚慰一番,并跟他约定了下山迎接台湾匪军登陆的信号。这时候,刁钻狠毒的郭浩对王英起了疑心,由刘匪出面,把王英揍了一顿。王英英勇忍受,坚不吐实,才解除了郭浩的疑心,把他释放了。 方局长掌握了充分的情报材料,他预先估计到这帮匪徒们下一步行动,就英明地做好了布置。郭浩回到城里,指使林金标逼郑希达要我军部队粮食供应分配数字的材料,由此他可以研究出我海防情况,决定匪军登陆地点密报台湾,派匪军登陆。郑希达向郭浩要20根金条。林金标一口答应了。 郑希达乘夜偷入粮食局,在柜子里拿到了这份材料,林金标举杯为他庆功,乘机就把他毒死了。军粮分配材料到了郭浩手里,他就进行研究,选定了梅花坞为登陆地点,叫钱志尧发电报到台湾去。这个万恶的匪徒万万想不到钱志尧也正是我们公安人员假扮的。 台湾的匪徒们认为大功告成,根据发去的密码电报在梅花坞蜂拥登陆,大盖山上的残余匪军,也全部下山接应。正巧,他们都陷进了我们早就布置好的包围网内,这帮梦想“里应外合”的匪徒们全部被歼灭在山地上。郭浩和林金标也没有逃出人民的巨掌,同时束手就擒了 The movie ‘Tianluo Diwang’ is directed by Gu Jue, written by Shi Fangyu and starring Chen Tianguo and others. Under the guidance of American advisor Toussaint, the Taiwan Chiang Kai shek bandit secret service dispatched what they believed to be the most effective seventh agent, Guo Hao, to infiltrate the mainland. The task assigned to him was to identify the remaining forces of the Dageishan bandit army, tightly seize this base, and respond to the United States’ war in Korea. Director Fang of the Public Security Bureau has been closely monitoring the stronghold of the bandits in Dageishan for a long time, and knows that these wandering bandits have connections with the hidden spies in a certain city. He entrusted important tasks to Li Guilin, the Chief of the Reconnaissance Department, and Wang Ying, a public security cadre. Their task is first to scout out where the enemy’s liaison station is. Qian Zhiyao, a telegraph operator who claimed to be from Taiwan, walked into a store in a certain city – Wuzhou Department Store and met with the manager Lin Jinbiao. Lin Jinbiao was the leader of a hidden spy organization in a certain city. After they exchanged secret codes, Lin Jinbiao completely trusted him and handed him the telegram to send and receive. What surprised Lin Jinbiao the most was that immediately after Qian Zhiyao, Taiwan sent another guy with a serious expression. From his appearance, he clearly had a lot of background and was careful in his speech and movements. This is Agent Guo Hao, who has infiltrated here from Hong Kong. His first order was to require Lin Jinbiao to obtain the intelligence of my coastal defense deployment within 20 days. Lin Jinbiao started to move. The target is Zheng Xida, a staff member of the Grain Bureau. Treat, eat, take him to buy a watch, and finally ask him to partner in “grain trading”. Zheng Xida fell into a trap. Guo Hao lives in his own house and often asks his young niece Jin Yiping to contact Lin Jinbiao in order to avoid appearing. Yiping is studying at the Municipal Girls’ High School, and the teacher in her class, He Ruixian, is a good friend of Wang Ying. Of course, when these bandits were complacent, the public security personnel had already cast a “net of heaven and earth”. Zheng Xida fell into a trap, and Guo Hao decided to personally go to Dageishan. Lin Jinbiao introduced Li Bin, the spy at the contact station, to him. Li Bin introduced a hunter named Wang Shanfu and prepared to accompany him up the mountain the next day. In fact, Li Bin had already surrendered to our public security bureau, and this hunter, who was “skilled in shooting and familiar with mountain roads,” was also disguised by Wang Ying. Guo Hao found this group of defeated bandits in the mountains, and the leader of the gang, Commander Liu, shouted and howled to him about his plight. Guo Hao, as a “commissioner,” comforted him and agreed with him to go down the mountain to welcome the landing signal of the Taiwan bandit army. At this moment, the cunning and malicious Guo Hao became suspicious of Wang Ying, and Liu bandits came forward and beat Wang Ying up. Wang Yingying bravely endured and remained steadfast, only then did he dispel Guo Hao’s suspicion and release him. Director Fang had sufficient intelligence materials in his possession, and he foresaw the next action of the gang and wisely arranged it. Guo Hao returned to the city and instructed Lin Jinbiao to force Zheng Xida to obtain materials for the distribution of food supply figures for our troops. From this, he could study the situation of our coastal defense, determine the location of the bandit army’s landing, report it to Taiwan secretly, and send the bandit army to land. Zheng Xida asked Guo Hao for 20 gold bars. Lin Jinbiao agreed at once. Zheng Xida stole into the grain bureau at night and obtained this material in a cabinet. Lin Jinbiao raised a glass to celebrate his victory and took the opportunity to poison him to death. The materials for military grain distribution were in Guo Hao’s hands, and he conducted research and selected Meihuawu as the landing site, asking Qian Zhiyao to report to Taiwan via power generation. This heinous bandit never imagined that Qian Zhiyao was also disguised by our public security personnel. The bandits in Taiwan believed that their success had been achieved, and based on the coded telegrams sent, they swarmed to land in Meihuawu. All the remaining bandits on Dageishan also descended to meet them. Coincidentally, they were all trapped in the encirclement network that we had already arranged, and all the bandits who dreamed of “internal cooperation and external cooperation” were annihilated in the mountains. Guo Hao and Lin Jinbiao did not escape the people’s grasp, and at the same time, they were captured without restraint

Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 129P 天罗地网·经典老电影连环画

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