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分类 Metaphysics玄学 416篇中百篇内相关文章

A divination work written by Cheng Liangyu during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. In the conclusion of the book “Yi Mao”, it is said that “the character Liangyu, Yuan Ru, was from Shexian County. It is discussed in the book and is all based on the method of money replacing money. In the preface, it is said that at the age of five, he lost his sight and studied divination with his heart. At the beginning, he wrote fifty divination chapters, and during the Kangxi reign, he was suitable for Chu. When he met the old man Kupao, he obtained his secret edict, which was added to ninety chapters

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 458P 易冒


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