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分类 Metaphysics玄学 416篇中百篇内相关文章

现在有些人连“起 名”和“取名”意义都不清的人,仍以五格起 名法, “取名”、“周易起名”有些所谓周易起名大师连字的笔画数都搞不清楚,还有些大师连自己都是最凶的像这种文化素质的人能给别人起出好名 字吗?
The names of our country are composed of block Chinese characters composed of strokes and paintings, which have both images, numbers, sounds, and meanings. These images, numbers, sounds, and meanings all have the content of yin and yang and five elements. Each Chinese character has similarities with the symbol sources of the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes, and is not randomly created. It is also similar to the origin of the Eight Trigrams, which states: “Looking up at the elephant in the sky, looking down at the method in the ground, observing the literature of birds and animals, and adapting to the suitability of the ground, taking all the bodies close, and taking all the things far, in order to communicate the virtues of the gods and the emotions of all things.” For example, the characters “water” and “fire” clearly evolved from the hexagrams of the “Kan” and “Li” in the Eight Trigrams. The symbol “Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers” is the symbol of natural objects in the universe. Each Chinese character is equivalent to a ‘little Tai Chi’, and through thousands of years of use by countless people, it has strengthened the concept of Chinese characters, inevitably storing a certain amount of information within them.?

Nowadays, some people who are not even clear about the meaning of “naming” and “naming” still use the five grid naming method. Some so-called “naming” and “naming by the Book of Changes” masters cannot even figure out the number of strokes in their characters, and some masters are even the most aggressive. Can people with such cultural qualities give others good names?

The characters in the name are equivalent to the “talisman” in Buddhism and Taoism, the sound of the characters is equivalent to the “mantra”, and the meaning of the characters is equivalent to the “idea” in the Qigong realm. When writing a name, it’s like drawing a note. When calling a name, it’s like reciting a mantra, while also consciously or unconsciously adding meaning to the name. The invisible force of thought has great energy and can change things, including fate. According to the viewpoint of “all things can be likened, all things have spirits, and all things can communicate with spirits”, Chinese characters must contain many mysteries and information that need to be developed, which is worth exploring, researching, and applying.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 334P 姓名学入门


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