Culture文化 Magazine杂志 190P 晋察冀画刊第二号至第四十四号
►   站内排名:No.9669   ◄
标签: 31

Shanxi Chaji Pictorial is a war pictorial founded by the anti Japanese base under the leadership of the CPC. It was first published in Fuping County, Hebei Province on December 30, 1946. The political department of the CPC’s Shanxi Chahar Hebei Military Region was edited by the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Painting Newspaper, published by the political department of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Military Region, and later by the political department of the field army.
16 pages, 4-8 pages, war photography pictorial. It mainly introduces the PLA’s fighting, life, production assistance and people’s support for the front line in the War of Liberation. Readers are mainly military officers and soldiers. From the 29th issue, the pictorial was published at the front with the army. It was closed on May 28, 1948 and published 44 issues. 10000 copies are printed in each issue. The pictorial published 830 photos of current events in the war field and 16 works of art.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 190P 晋察冀画刊第二号至第四十四号

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