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The Shanxi Chahar Hebei Pictorial is the first comprehensive pictorial that mainly publishes photos in the anti Japanese base areas led by the CPC. On July 7, 1942, it was founded in Nianpangou, Pingshan County, Hebei Province. Sponsored by the Political Department of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Military Region. Director (President) Sha Fei, Deputy Director Luo Guangda, and Political Instructor Zhao Lie. Sixteen folio, printed with Swedish wood paper copper zinc plate. Before the official publication of the pictorial, on March 20, 1942, there was a trial edition of the pictorial, which was called the Special Issue of Current Affairs of the Shanxi Chaji Pictorial. The pictorial mainly includes war news photos, and also includes newsletters, cartoons and literary works. From 1942 to 1948, 13 pictorial issues and one trial issue were published, and more than 60 issues including series, pictorial and photographic news were published. In May 1948, the pictorial was merged with the People’s Pictorial of the former Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Military Region to form the North China Pictorial led by the Political Department of the North China Military Region.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 74P 晋察冀画报第五期

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