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摇鞭断宅秘传孤本,出于清朝嘉庆年间江苏吴江风水名师凌祯松之手。凌祯松先生,江苏吴江县人,清朝嘉庆七年进士,为人聪明好学,自小就对阴阳八卦五术方面爱好钻研,尤其对于河洛理数八卦九星研究得非常透彻,他少年得志,科考得中后在钦天监(官署名。宋元时叫司天监。掌管观察天象,推算节气历法,同时为皇帝设风水。古时将擅长风水以管理风水的要员安排在司天监里供职,专为皇朝服务) 供职,官封“钦天史”专门负责编写天文地理方面的书籍,并为朝廷皇宫院内布置风水,为朝廷立了不少功劳,后因得罪朝中显贵,有人用莫须有的罪名向皇上参奏,皇上听信谗言将其削官罢职,并发配塞外服刑,刑满后返乡,隐居故里,他壮志未酬,遂另谋途径,背罗盘游走天下,为人察看风水,施居平生之博学,造福人民,同时广收门徒,讲经说法。百忙中作此风水著作,留传后人, 此法就是其留下的一本秘本。其法定型有理,准确度很高,而且在调整风水方面更有的放矢。这门学派掌握六爻水平越高,论断的准确度越高。
The secret legend of “Whip Breaking House” is an isolated manuscript, created by Ling Zhensong, a famous feng shui master in Wujiang, Jiangsu during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. Mr. Ling Zhensong, a native of Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province, was a jinshi in the seventh year of the Jiaqing reign of the Qing Dynasty. He was intelligent and eager to learn. He had been interested in studying the five techniques of the Yin Yang Eight Trigrams since childhood, especially in the study of the Nine Stars of the Eight Trigrams in the Yellow River and Luo River. As a young man, he achieved great success, After passing the imperial examination, he worked at the Imperial Censorship (official name: “Imperial Censorship” during the Song and Yuan dynasties. He was in charge of observing celestial phenomena, calculating solar terms and calendars, and setting feng shui for the emperor. In ancient times, key officials who were skilled in managing feng shui were arranged to work at the Imperial Censorship, specifically serving the emperor). He was appointed as the “Imperial Censorship” and was specifically responsible for writing books on astronomy and geography. He also arranged feng shui for the court’s palace courtyard, making many contributions to the court. Later, he offended the court’s dignitaries, Someone accused the emperor of unfounded charges. The emperor listened to slander and dismissed him from his position, and was sent to serve a sentence outside the Great Wall. After completing his sentence, he returned to his hometown and lived in seclusion. However, his lofty aspirations did not pay off, so he found another way to travel around the world with a compass, observe feng shui for people, practice his lifelong knowledge, and benefit the people. At the same time, he widely recruited disciples and taught scriptures. During his busy schedule, he wrote this feng shui work and passed it on to future generations. This method is a secret book he left behind. Its method is reasonable, accurate, and more targeted in adjusting feng shui. The higher the level of mastery of the Six Trigrams in this school, the higher the accuracy of its conclusions.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 12P 摇鞭神断风水秘本


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