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分类 Metaphysics玄学 416篇中百篇内相关文章

白汉忠 中华星相易理堪舆师协进会全国总会秘书长,河南安阳周易专修学院名誉副院长、教授,中国都会电子报、中国都会捷运报、中国都会时报主编,《星象家杂志》专栏作家。

This book sorts out the ancient books related to the Seven Politics and Four Surplus, takes its essence, arranges them in the form of questions and answers, annotates the famous words, explains the theory with charts, and interprets these esoteric ancient texts with actual cases. If you read this book well, you can master the secrets of the Seven Politics and Four Surplus within a few days.
Bai Hanzhong, Secretary General of the National Association of Chinese Astrology and Geography Association, Honorary Vice Dean and Professor of Henan Anyang Zhouyi Vocational College, Editor in Chief of China Metropolitan Electronic Newspaper, China Metropolitan Rapid Transit Newspaper, and China Metropolitan Times, and columnist of Astrology Magazine.

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