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“Cherry Maruki” is a manga created by the author Cherry Maruki.
The traditional Chinese version is distributed by Dongli Publishing House.
On August 15, 2022, Japan’s Shueisha announced that the latest single volume 18 of “Cherry Meatballs” will be released on October 25.
The author published six short stories in the Ribbon special issue. It introduces various types of teachers I have encountered in elementary school; Also, as a child from a poor family, I feel helpless and fortunate; And after being envied by others for nosebleeds when they were young, they attracted everyone’s attention, so they tried every means to make themselves nosebleeds; The author also mentioned his story of going to Disco in high school, each of which is full of fun and helps readers better understand the author’s growth process.

Comic动漫 Culture文化 174P 樱桃小丸子 (4)

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