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标签: 48

The Qimen Dunjia School originally originated from the military’s Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams of arranging troops. The Emperor’s Yin Fu Jing states: “The Eight Trigrams Jia Zi, the Divine Machine and Ghost Cang.” The “Magic Gate” states: “The mysterious and mysterious aspects of the Qi Men Dun Jia are all hidden within the Eight Trigrams and Jia Zi.”
The Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams are symbols and holographic fields of space, while the Sixty Jia Zi represents time and holographic fields. Qimen Dun Jia Xue combines the two, integrating time and space, searching for the laws of time and space and the intersection points of time and space, and conducting overall observation and understanding. In unfavorable environments, it chooses favorable time and space to seek good fortune and avoid evil.
Due to the fact that the Qimen Dunjia School originated from the military arrangement of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams, and the Ten Heavenly Stems represent a symbol of time, its characteristic is the personification of military content. A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Gui represent specific military institutions in the Qimen Dunjia formation.
A is a marshal who hides in the formation, so B, C, and D are the three most powerful assistants around the marshal, just like the staff, political, and logistics departments in modern armies. The staff department formulates operational plans, provides reasonable suggestions, and serves as a staff officer. The Political Department carries out political and ideological propaganda and education work, playing a role in inspiring the military. The logistics department is mainly responsible for military supplies and plays a role in supplying food and forage. The three wonders of B, C, and D can also be understood as the three wonders. In the Qimen Dunjia School, Geng is the main enemy, Jia is the commander, and Yang Mu is the most afraid of Yang Jin Geng’s attack; Yi is a Yin wood, and Yi merges with Geng. A marries Yi to Geng as his wife to relieve the threat from Jia wood; Bing is the Yang Fire, like the son of Jia Mu. Yang Fire can defeat Geng Jin and relieve the danger of Jia Mu; Ding is a Yin fire that can also damage the Geng metal and protect the father of armor and wood. Therefore, B, C, and D are called the Three Wonders.
Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui are referred to as the Six Rites, which are the six armies and can also be referred to as the Six Honorary Guards or Six Banners. The ten heavenly stems are paired with the twelve earthly branches to form sixty Jia Zi (the smallest common multiple of ten and twelve). Each of the ten heavenly stems is used six times, resulting in six Jia, six Yi, six Bing, six Ding, six Wu, six Ji, six Geng, six Xin, six Ren, and six Gui. The so-called Six Jia refers to the six generals in the army, namely Jia Zi, Jia Xu, Jia Shen, Jia Wu, Jia Chen, and Jia Yin. Jia Zi is a marshal, while the other five Jia Jia are generals. On the battlefield, they go out in order of distribution and time, or they are on duty as managers in chronological order.
The first armor is hidden under the ceremonial guard of Wutu in Zhenghuang Banner, the second armor is hidden under the ceremonial guard of Jitu in Xianghuang Banner, the third armor is hidden under the ceremonial guard of Gengjin in Zhengbai Banner, and the fourth armor is hidden under the ceremonial guard of Xinjin in Xiangbai Banner. Wujia Chen is hidden under the Ren Shui ceremonial guard of Zhenghei Banner, while Liujia Yin is hidden under the Guishui ceremonial guard of Xianghei Banner. So Jia Zi is also called Jia Zi Wu, Jia Xu is also called Jia Xu Ji, Jia Shen is also called Jia Shen Geng, Jia Wu is also called Jia Wu Xin, Jia Chen is also called Jia Chen Ren, and Jia Yin is also called Jia Yin Gui. Combine into an eternal and unchanging column, with the distribution of B, C, and D in the nine palaces for defense.
The Six Armors are hidden under the Six Rites, forming an unchanging formation and sequence, that is, the combination of Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, Ding, C, and B in a Tai Chi diagram without a head or tail, repeating in a loop, resulting in endless possibilities.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 275P 奇门遁甲基础篇

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