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家庭是社会最基本的构成单位,一个家庭构成了我们的整个社会,而婚姻是家庭的重要纽带。正所谓“孤阴不生,孤阳不长”。…… 王虎应,网名六爻观自在,生于1962年,祖籍山西省中阳县,现居住于山西省太原市。1986年毕业于山西大学日语专业,曾就职于山西省考古研究所。 先后从事相术、命理、三式、佛学、中医及炼丹术研究。33岁时1994年开始潜心研究易经预测,曾研习过数种预测方法,皆有占验。谨循圣人之道始终以求真务实态度持之以恒。但每门预测术都是深无止境,所以要想全部精通,是根本不可能的。自感贪多,精力不够,遂放弃其他预测术,独研六爻,使其在这六爻方面预测水平有了突飞猛进的提高和重大突破。
The Six Trigrams of Marriage Prediction “is a book published by Rolling Stone Publishing House, authored by Wang Huying

The family is the most basic unit of society, and one family constitutes our entire society, and marriage is an important bond of the family. As the saying goes, ‘solitary yin does not grow, solitary yang does not grow’ Wang Huying, born in 1962 under the net name of Liuyao Guan Zizai, is a native of Zhongyang County, Shanxi Province, and now lives in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. He graduated from Japanese major of Shanxi University in 1986 and worked in the Archaeological Research Institute of Shanxi Province. He has successively engaged in research on physiognomy, numerology, three forms, Buddhism, traditional Chinese medicine, and alchemy. At the age of 33, I began to devote myself to studying the prediction of the Book of Changes in 1994 and have studied several prediction methods, all of which have been proven effective. Always adhere to the path of the sage with a pragmatic and pragmatic attitude. But every prediction technique is endless, so it is impossible to master it all. Feeling greedy and lacking energy, he gave up other predictive techniques and studied the Six Trigrams alone, resulting in a rapid improvement and significant breakthrough in his predictive ability in these six trigrams.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 353P 六爻姻缘预测学


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