Record记录 Region地理 312P 宫殿建筑(3) 沈阳·中国建筑艺术全集
►   站内排名:No.10541   ◄
标签: 21

The Complete Works of Chinese Architectural Art 3 focuses on the brilliant achievements of Shenyang Palace Museum in layout, individual buildings, indoor and outdoor decoration of buildings, decoration carving and color application. Ancient Chinese architecture has always maintained a unique system and distinctive characteristics in the history of world architecture, and palace architecture plays an important role in ancient architecture. Palaces are buildings for rulers of feudal society to exercise power, live and play, so they always occupy an important position in the city. Their construction cost the most human and material resources at that time. Therefore, palace buildings always reflect the highest achievements of architectural technology and art of an era. The origin of ancient Chinese palace architecture is very early, but only the palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties have survived until now.

Record记录 Region地理 312P 宫殿建筑(3) 沈阳·中国建筑艺术全集

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