Record记录 Region地理 325P 宅第建筑1 北方汉族·中国建筑艺术全集 20
►   站内排名:No.4797   ◄
标签: 21

The Complete Works of Chinese Architectural Art 20 was published by China Construction Industry Press in 1999. The Complete Works of Chinese Architecture 20 tells us that ancient Chinese architecture has distinctive characteristics, unique system and unique status in the history of world architecture. Homestead construction is the earliest architectural type in ancient China. It is an important part of the ancient Chinese architectural heritage, which has a wide distribution and the largest number of buildings and is most closely related to people’s lives. The homestead building is deeply influenced by social factors and natural conditions, and has distinctive national characteristics and strong local characteristics. China has a vast territory and a large number of nationalities. Homesteads of various regions and ethnic groups vary greatly and are colorful. This volume focuses on the introduction of the Han nationality residence in the north, expounds its development process and main types, and displays its artistic features and colorful features.

Record记录 Region地理 325P 宅第建筑1 北方汉族·中国建筑艺术全集 20

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可点 ➠ 2023年-03月-16日 123 s 0
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