Culture文化 Magazine杂志 24P 中国摄影 1948.10.25 第十九期
►   站内排名:No.14054   ◄
标签: 24

中国摄影1946-1949 此展品为1946年文物。尺寸为13cm×18cm,中国摄影出版社出版,穆一龙任主编。民国版的《中国摄影》弥补了抗战后至解放初我国摄影杂志出版的空白,并起到了承上启下的作用。民国版的《中国摄影》学术性强、发行量大,虽然只出版了24期,但是它在中国摄影文献中,仍占有举足轻重的地位。现收藏于中国丽水摄影博物馆。
This exhibit is a cultural relic from 1946. The size is 13cm x 18cm, published by China Photography Publishing House, with Mu Yilong as the editor in chief. The Republic of China edition of “Chinese Photography” filled the gap in the publication of photography magazines in China from the Anti Japanese War to the early days of liberation, and played a bridging role. The Republic of China edition of “Chinese Photography” is highly academic and has a large circulation. Although it has only been published in 24 issues, it still holds a pivotal position in Chinese photography literature. It is currently housed in the Lishui Photography Museum in China.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 24P 中国摄影 1948.10.25 第十九期

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