Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 430P 八字命理学动态分析教程
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出版的语言学著作有《计算语言学导论》、《计算语言学》、《汉语方言数量研究探索》、《A Quantitative Model in Dialect Subgrouping:The Case of Modern Wu Dialects》等,并在《中国社会科学》、《Studies in the Linguistic Sciences》等中外学术杂志发表语言学论文二十馀篇
“A Course on Dynamic Analysis of Eight Character Destiny” is a book published by Yuanfang Publishing House in 2018, authored by Lu Zhiji.
This book is divided into two parts. The first part of the “Dynamic Chapter” extends a multi perspective analysis from the original pattern of the Eight Characters itself to the dynamic analysis of the Da Yun and Liu Nian, providing an analytical model with a temporal focus. It further reveals the variability law of dynamic adjustments in strength, pattern, and other aspects with the great fortune and flow year.
The second part, “Gan Zhi Pian,” is an organic combination of the author’s years of experience in studying the Eight Characters and the study of the sages. Some of them are structural studies, such as the reverse chanting and hexagram shifting of the stem and branch, while others utilize modern technology for quantitative analysis, such as the level dataization of the stem and branch, opening up new ideas for big data research on the spatiotemporal sequence segment of the Eight Characters.
Like “Basic Tutorial” and “Advanced Tutorial”, this book provides a large number of real cases while systematically elaborating on theory and analysis. By studying these three tutorials, readers can learn a more complete method of analyzing eight characters, and can also draw inferences from case studies, laying a solid foundation in numerology.
Lu Zhiji was born in Shanghai in 1949. Master’s degree in Chinese from Fudan University in Shanghai in 1981. In 1991, he obtained a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Illinois in the United States.
Published linguistic works include “Introduction to Computational Linguistics”, “Computational Linguistics”, “Exploration of Quantitative Research on Chinese Dialects”, “A Quantitative Model in Dialect Subgrouping: The Case of Modern Wu Dialects”, and more than 20 linguistic papers have been published in academic journals such as “Chinese Social Sciences” and “Studies in the Linguistic Sciences” at home and abroad
The published research works on numerology include: “New Treatise on Eight Characters of Destiny”, “Eight Characters and Chinese Wisdom”, “Historical Theory of Chinese Numerology: A Study of Historical and Cultural Phenomena”, “Exploration of Another” Gene “,” Exploration of Fate: A Brief History and Inference Methods of Chinese Numerology “,” Basic Course of Eight Characters of Destiny “, and” Interpretation of the Code of Time and Space “Genes”: Countless Diseases “.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 430P 八字命理学动态分析教程

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