Culture文化 Magazine杂志 210P 老画报里的婚恋故事
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《老画报里的婚恋故事》通过征婚、 订婚、结婚、离婚、情殇5大类主题,讲述了60个悲欢离合的民国婚恋故事,并附有50余幅版面完整、清晰的老画报,全方位呈现了民国时期的婚姻情况。书中以海量的近代老画报为资源,以婚恋为独特视角,经过作者必要的整合、考证、补充,将故纸堆中的婚恋故事鲜活地呈现出来,一定程度上展现了中国近代时期的婚恋观和价值观,反映了社会变革时期现代与传统观念的冲突与交融。

  1. 5大类主题,满足你对民国时期婚恋情况的全部好奇。书中通过征婚、订婚、结婚、离婚、离殇5大类婚恋主题,带领读者打开管窥该时代社会文化的一个窗口。
  2. 60个婚恋故事,呈现精彩纷呈的民国万象。中国早期的“非诚勿扰”、征婚骗局,明星秘密订婚、订婚启事引起的官司,空中婚礼、水上婚礼、集体婚礼、速成婚礼等各色婚礼形式,末代皇帝离婚真相、皇妃离婚引发的离婚潮等等,社会变革时期传统与现代观念的交融碰撞、新旧事物杂陈的现象,统统从这些故事中呈现出来,极富时代特色。
    Matchmaking, engagement, marriage, divorce, and divorce, with 5 major themes of love and marriage, 60 exciting love and marriage stories, and over 50 high-definition old posters, satisfy all your curiosity about the love and marriage situation during the Republic of China era!
    Marriage and Love Stories in Old Pictorial: Aerial Wedding, Water Wedding, Three No Wedding, Speed Wedding, Group Wedding… It turns out that weddings in the Republic of China are just fun to play with
    [Content Introduction]
    The Marriage and Love Stories in the Old Pictorial tells 60 stories of the joys and sorrows of the Republic of China through five main themes: marriage, engagement, marriage, divorce, and love. It is accompanied by more than 50 complete and clear old Pictorial pages, presenting the marriage situation during the Republic of China period in all aspects. The book takes a massive collection of modern old pictorial newspapers as resources and takes marriage and love as a unique perspective. Through necessary integration, research, and supplementation by the author, it vividly presents the marriage and love stories in the pile of old papers, to some extent showcasing China’s modern views and values on marriage and love, reflecting the conflict and integration of modern and traditional concepts during the social transformation period.
    [selling points of this book]
  3. 5 major themes that satisfy all your curiosity about the marriage and love situation during the Republic of China era. The book provides readers with a window to explore the social and cultural aspects of this era through five major themes of marriage and romance: marriage, engagement, marriage, divorce, and divorce.
  4. 60 marriage and love stories, presenting the splendid and diverse Republic of China. The early “If You Are the One” and marriage scams in China, as well as the lawsuits caused by celebrity secret engagements and engagement notices, various wedding forms such as aerial weddings, water weddings, collective weddings, and express weddings, as well as the truth about the divorce of the last emperor and the divorce tide caused by the divorce of imperial concubines, are all presented from these stories, which are highly distinctive of the times.
    More than 3.50 complete and clear old pictorial pages, in a 16 format format, with easy access for browsing. The book selects more than 50 vivid old pictorial posters, which not only contain relevant marriage and love stories, but also numerous advertisements, news, comments, comics, etc. It is a treasure trove of information that records modern Chinese social life, history and culture, and has important reference value for related research.
    【 Recommended by Famous Experts 】
    It is puzzling that there has always been a lack of a panoramic book called “Illustrated History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History” in the research subject of modern and contemporary Chinese history. Surprisingly, over the years, Mr. Zhou Licheng has published several works that are in line with the history of modern and contemporary pictorial newspapers, with the latest masterpiece being “Marriage and Love Stories in Old Pictorial”. I am also an enthusiast of modern and contemporary pictorial literature. From the late Qing Dynasty’s Dianshizhai Pictorial to the pre New China’s Liangyou Pictorial, Beiyang Pictorial, Jin Chaji Pictorial, and Northeast Pictorial, I have collected and conducted some research. Therefore, I feel particularly familiar with Mr. Zhou Licheng’s series of pictorial monographs and can also feel his “difficulty”. I also have some knowledge of the love and marriage stories of Xiong Xiling, Zhou Xuan, Yan Huizhu, Liu Jinggui, and others mentioned in this new book. I really want to have the opportunity to chat with Mr. Zhou Licheng about Old Pictorial. The study of modern pictorial newspapers is almost on an uncultivated land. Congratulations to Mr. Zhou Licheng for his first hoe!
    ——(Famous Book Collector) Xie Qizhang
    Mr. Zhou Licheng compiled this unique “Marriage and Love Story in Old Pictorial” with his rich collection. The people of that era, especially cultural celebrities, how to handle gender relationships and strive for free love, through various rare modern old pictorial images and archival materials, narrated in simple and profound language, gave us a new and vivid understanding of the constantly changing views on marriage, life, and values in modern society.
    ——(Famous Scholar) Chen Zishan
    The author of “Marriage and Love Stories in Old Pictorial” takes a unique approach by using trivial and trivial news as the cultural research object, gathering details to visually display the cultural forms of marriage and love during the Republic of China period, and involving its development and changes, which is truly rare.
    ——(Writer) Xue Bing
    Mr. Zhou Licheng’s new book “Marriage and Love Stories in Old Pictorial” vividly presents the marriage and love stories in the old paper, comprehensively presenting the marriage situation during the Republic of China period. After reading this book, I have found that the reasons for getting married are relatively simple – matching family background or mutual respect and love between men and women, while the reasons for divorce are more influenced by complex social factors, including conflicts in property distribution and pressure from public opinion; Of course, there are also marital separations caused by political changes, such as the last mayor of Tianjin before the liberation, Du Jianshi, and Zeng Luosheng, who went their separate ways. Contemporary youth can not only learn about the historical stories of modern marriage and love from this book, but also increase their experience and wisdom in dealing with real marriage and love.
    ——(Cultural Research Expert) Luo Wenhua
    [Editor’s recommendation]
    What are some bizarre weddings in the Republic of China?
    During the wedding celebration of Yang Honglie, a Chinese language teacher at Nankai University, and Ms. Wan Jiashu, the witnesses Liang Qichao, Zhang Boling, and a group of bridesmaids had gathered in the auditorium of Nankai Girls’ High School. It was not until the ceremony began that it was discovered that the groom had forgotten to bring the wedding certificate and the bride had forgotten to bring the ring. They hurriedly sent people to collect them, which allowed them to complete the wedding.
    A couple’s wedding in Shanghai ended, and when the groom checked out at the restaurant, he realized that the cash he had with him was not enough to pay the bill. The groom has nothing to pledge in his hands, and the hotel manager said that if the debt cannot be paid in full, the bride must be detained as collateral. The groom was unable, so he had to let the bride stay in the store and go out to raise funds on his own. It was not until noon the next day that the groom paid off the debt and retrieved the bride.
    Cartoonist Wang Shizhi and a woman jointly sent an inexplicable invitation to invite family and friends for a banquet, causing confusion and confusion among everyone. It was not until the scene that they realized it was a wedding banquet. Originally, Wang Shizhi did not want his friends to give gifts, so the invitation did not include the words “marriage”. And there is no wedding ceremony for getting married, only one witness.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 210P 老画报里的婚恋故事


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