Culture文化 Kungfu武学 51P 《心意六合拳艺传真》卢嵩高、凌兴汉
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1953年,在卢嵩高的支持下,凌汉兴先生写成了《心意六合拳艺传真》,以弥补心意六合拳拳谱的阙如,可惜在“文革”中书稿散佚。1994 年,在徐汇区武术协会主持下,年近八旬的凌汉兴日夜奋笔, 《心意六合拳艺传真》得以重见天日。本书将拳术中难以言表的精妙之处,用极简练精确的文字表达出来。凌汉兴先生出身武术世家,出生于1917年7月11日。 [3] 上世纪40年代,师从河南心意六合拳大师卢嵩高,1953年在卢嵩高的支持下,写就《心意六合拳艺传真》书稿,该稿历经十年动乱,1994年得以出版面世。
In 1953, with the support of Lu Songgao, Mr. Ling Hanxing wrote the “Xin Yi Liu He Quan Yi Fax” to make up for the lack of Xin Yi Liu He Quan Manual. Unfortunately, the manuscript was lost in the “Cultural Revolution”. In 1994, under the auspices of the Xuhui District Wushu Association, Ling Hanxing, who was nearly 80 years old, worked hard day and night, and the “Xin Yi Liu He Quan Yi Fax” was rediscovered. In this book, the subtleties that are difficult to express in boxing are expressed in extremely concise and accurate words. Mr. Ling Hanxing was born in a martial arts family on July 11, 1917. [3] In the 1940s, he learned from Lu Songgao, a master of Henan Xinyi Liuhe Boxing. In 1953, with the support of Lu Songgao, he wrote the manuscript of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing Art Fax. After ten years of turmoil, the manuscript was published in 1994.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 51P 《心意六合拳艺传真》卢嵩高、凌兴汉

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