Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 184P 曾子南 《三元奇门遁甲讲义下》
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曾子南(1907-2006),江西赣州人,台湾堪舆界三元地理宗师,据称为唐国师杨筠松、曾文迪之后,三元地理之第五十一代嫡传弟子。曾子南,幼承庭训,九岁起从祖父 曾连山先生研究堪舆之术,天资聪颖,见人所未见,触类旁通,识人所未识。先生早期为台湾政坛俊彦扦墓,观形察理,聚气化生,名闻遐迩。如陈诚墓园、顾祝同将军父坟、周至柔省政府席母坟、陈立夫资政父坟、尹仲容主委坟、金宝电子许胜雄祖坟等。最为各界称颂者不外点王永庆先人祖坟,事先立书保证,此等自信,披靡古今,玄妙精微,奠立宗师在台湾、华人世界堪舆教父之尊。先生一生遍览群书,摄涵堪舆与易学及儒家、道家、佛家之学说,最为后人称道者,又莫过于结合科学,讲求辩证,以破除风水迷信,让堪舆走入逻辑论述,对中国的环境科学、生命科学领域有非常卓越之贡献,提出“积善存德,福人居福地”,让风水堪舆跟我国传统孝道善德相互结合。先生读万卷书更行踏万里路,奔走欧美、东南亚、东北亚及中国大陆等地考察风水,期让堪舆走向生活化;先生破除堪舆“密传真诀”之习,倾毕生钻研所得,公开于后学,并将一生心血化为文字,著书百册,传于世人,不仅让堪舆走入生活,更将传统文化融入风水地理。民国95年(2006)于台北辞世,享年一百岁。其公子曾王君理事长谨承其志,继往开来,迈向发扬传统珍贵文化之途。
Zeng Zinan (1907-2006. Zeng Zinan, a young man who inherited the court training, has studied the art of public opinion from his grandfather, Mr. Zeng Lianshan, since he was nine years old. He is talented and intelligent, and has never seen anyone before. In his early days, he was the tomb of Taiwan’s political juniors. He was famous for his observation of form and reason and his gathering of students. Such as Chen Cheng Cemetery, Gu Zhutong’s father’s grave, Zhou Zhirou Provincial Government’s mother’s grave, Chen Lifu’s father’s grave, Yin Zhongrong’s chairman’s grave, Jinbao Electronics Xu Shengxiong’s ancestral grave, etc. The most praised people from all walks of life can only point to Wang Yongqing’s ancestor’s grave and make a written guarantee in advance. Such confidence, sweeping the ancient and modern times, is mysterious and subtle, and the founder is a godfather in Taiwan and the Chinese world. Throughout his life, Mr. Kan Yu has read many books, including Kan Yu and Yi Xue, as well as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. He is the most praised by later generations. What is more, he combines science and emphasizes dialectics to break the geomantic superstition and let Kan Yu enter the logical discourse. He has made outstanding contributions to the field of environmental science and life science in China. He put forward the idea of “being good and keeping virtue, and blessing people living in a blessed land”, so that Feng Shui Kan can be combined with China’s traditional filial piety and virtue. After reading thousands of books, Mr. Yu traveled thousands of miles to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Chinese Mainland and other places to investigate geomancy, hoping to make the landscape more livable; Mr. Yu broke the habit of “secret and true secrets” of Canyu, devoted his whole life to research the results, made them public to later generations, and turned his life’s efforts into words. He wrote hundreds of books, which were passed on to the world. He not only brought Canyu into life, but also integrated traditional culture into Feng Shui geography. He died in Taipei in 1995 (2006) at the age of 100. His son Zeng Wangjun, the chairman of the board of directors, sincerely carries forward his ambition, carries forward the past and opens up the future, and moves towards carrying forward the traditional precious culture.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 184P 曾子南 《三元奇门遁甲讲义下》

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