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这本收集有12幅画作的画册记录了100多年前台湾岛上的风土人情。 画作有些粗糙,但是描绘了当地人稼穑、狩猎等生活情状,是研究台湾历史的重要资料。画册中有恒慕义(Arthur William Hummel,1884-1975年)的序言。他是从美国到中国的一位传教士和汉学家,于1928至1954年任首任美国国会图书馆东方部(亚洲部前身)主任。
This album of 12 paintings records the customs and customs of Taiwan Island more than 100 years ago. The painting is a little rough, but it depicts the living conditions of local people such as farming and hunting, which is an important material for studying the history of Taiwan. The album contains the preface of Arthur William Hummel (1884-1975). He was a missionary and sinologist from the United States to China. From 1928 to 1954, he was the first director of the Eastern Department (predecessor of the Asian Department) of the Library of Congress.

Memory记忆 Record记录 16P 台湾番社风俗

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