Record记录 Region地理 242P 建筑装修与装饰·中国建筑艺术全集 24
►   站内排名:No.6620   ◄
标签: 21

The book “Complete Collection of Chinese Architectural Art 24” provides a detailed introduction to the origin, characteristics, content, expression techniques, and traditions and styles of ancient Chinese architectural decoration. It also selects over 240 typical decorative examples of ancient Chinese architecture, showcasing in detail the outstanding achievements of ancient Chinese architectural decoration and decorative art. Chinese ancient architecture has formed its own system with its distinct characteristics in the history of world architecture development, and architectural decoration plays a very important role in the formation of these characteristics. Chinese ancient craftsmen used rich decorative techniques to create distinctive exterior images of Chinese ancient architecture, endowing it with powerful ideological expression. Architectural decoration is ancient Chinese architecture

Record记录 Region地理 242P 建筑装修与装饰·中国建筑艺术全集 24

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