►   站内排名:No.6475   ◄

This is a comprehensive and systematic book that introduces and teaches Qingming Dream, which is the control of dreams.

Qingming Dream, commonly known as Dream Control, refers to the experience of knowing that one is dreaming and being able to control one’s behavior in the dream. It is a shocking and wonderful experience, highly entertaining, practical, and exploratory. It is also a hot topic in psychology and the direction of future development. At present, the enormous charm possessed by Qingming Dream is quietly sweeping the world, especially being highly sought after by young people, and has begun to form a unique cultural phenomenon.

The book “Dream Controller” studies the subconscious and dream control of humans from a psychological perspective. It not only teaches people how to learn dream control in a short period of time, but also makes breakthrough explorations in correctly curing psychological diseases, hypnosis, alleviating stress, maintaining mental health, and developing personal potential.

Countless inventions, creative ideas, and artistic treasures are all inspired by dreams. Looking at those extraordinary geniuses, such as Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla, Mozart, Einstein, and others, their extraordinary abilities can all find answers in dreams. How is genius generated? How to use dreams to create a path for mortals to reach genius? This book will reveal your secrets.

This book covers a wide range of topics, with lively and scientifically healthy content. It combines fun, practicality, and academic value, gradually presenting readers with an unprecedented and exciting world of dream control. It is not only a popular science masterpiece that reveals the magic of dream control, but also a practical and collectible manual that is essential for those who love Qingming Dream.

This book is the author’s ten years of hard work in pursuing dreams, and after four years of writing, it sets the precedent in history and integrates the great achievements of dream studies. It is currently the most authoritative and comprehensive information in the field of Chinese Qingming Dream, with a disruptive and innovative force. Without similar works in the market, this book will undoubtedly become a timeless classic with original ideas and dissemination value.

Dream Chasing Ant, whose real name is Wang Ke, is called “Ant Brother” in the dream world. It is a native of Jiangxi Province. It has a bachelor’s degree in environmental chemistry of Wuhan University, a master’s degree in analytical chemistry of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a master’s degree in computer science of the University of Illinois. It returned to China in 2013 and now lives in Chengdu, focusing on the popularization of the dream of Qingming. Since 2004, he has entered the field of dream control and published a large amount of theoretical research and practical experience on dream control under the internet name “Dream Chasing Ant”. He has created a unique theoretical system and theory of Chinese Qingming Dream, and is a pioneer and leader in the field of Chinese Qingming Dream. He is also the first person in the field of Chinese Qingming Dream. At the same time, it has created a unique music original mode of “Qingming Dream Writing Songs”. As long as one masters this creative method, anyone can become a high-yield and high-quality musician.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 430P 梦控师


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