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The Complete Archives of Mysterious Phenomena is a book published by the Workers’ Publishing House in 2013. The author is Populus euphratica. “Mysterious Phenomenon Archives” introduction: Tutankhamun: the death curse of the pharaoh. Tutankhamun, one of the many pharaohs in ancient Egypt, is also the most famous and legendary Egyptian pharaoh in the world today. He ruled the world at the age of 9 and died mysteriously at the age of 19. His life experience has become a mystery, and the cause of death is unknown. After his death, he left a terrible and effective “curse of death” for the world… from the lost ancient civilization to the inexplicable historical mystery; From the magical natural scenery to the strange alien world; From the mysterious mysteries of the universe to the mysterious legends of the ghosts, they are all displayed in the Archives of Mysterious Phenomena. We will take you from Egypt’s Sphinx to Babylon’s “Hanging Garden”; From Machu Picchu in the Inca Empire to the Stone City in Africa; We will also go to Treasure Island together to explore the mysterious treasure legends; Walk into the tomb of the Egyptian elders and reveal the “curse of death” of Tutankhamun. Not only that, you can also climb the Himalayas to research the legend of the “snowman”, dive into the deep sea to find the trail of monsters, “ride” UF0 to see the mysterious “visitors from heaven”, or even travel to another time and space to talk with the dead.

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