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The Complete Archives of Ancient Imperial Tombs is a book published by China Workers’ Publishing House in September 2014. The author is Populus euphratica. People in ancient China believed in the concept of “the divine power of the emperor and the unity of heaven and man”, and believed that the emperor was the favored son of heaven and ruled the people according to the will of heaven. In order to be worthy of the status of the “Son of Heaven”, the emperors’ food, clothing, living and transportation were superior before their death. After their death, the emperors should also enjoy treatment beyond ordinary people. Therefore, many imperial tombs have emerged in China. Whether from the perspective of architecture and decoration techniques, or from the perspective of quantity and scale, these tomb seats are worthy of exploration and research by future generations. This is because in addition to valuable funerary objects, the tomb contains precious clues about the origin of Chinese culture, which can greatly satisfy today’s people’s strong curiosity about their ancestors’ living conditions. You know, no matter who, when he sees those exquisite and unimaginable ancient cultures, he will feel a sense of respect and pride for his ancestors. In fact, the ancient emperors paid much attention to “geomantic omen” when choosing the location of their tombs, and the “geomantic omen theory” is actually a “concept of environment” with Chinese characteristics, which includes the exploration and understanding of ancient Chinese ancestors on nature, as well as the mysterious definition of the relationship between man and nature. Looking at the tombs of emperors in all ages, we have to admit that they really occupy a “auspicious land” of “dragon cave sand and water are all beautiful, and the situation is all auspicious and salty”. These choices of “auspicious soil” also show our ancestors’ deep wishes for the Chinese nation’s eternal blood and prosperity. Because of the ancient people’s ethics and funeral customs of “living is like dying”, the ancient emperors’ tombs often contain a large number of precious cultural relics and gold, silver and jewelry. These cultural relics and treasures are not only the witness of the emperors’ luxurious life before their death, but also truly record the track of the growth and development of Chinese civilization. Therefore, these imperial tombs seem to be museums of Chinese civilization, with unparalleled cultural value.

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