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《三国演义彩绘全本》是迄今为止惟一一部用工笔重彩绘制的全本三国演义。全书按照每回两幅,选取最具代表性的场景、人物进行构图,用240幅彩绘精品再现了三国风云历史。全书布景考究,构图严谨,人物众多,用笔工细,色彩丰富,以强烈的视觉感染力打动人心,既具大众审美情趣,又不乏高古韵味,雅俗共赏,具有极高的艺术欣赏价值和收藏价值。 此次汉英对照版使用了全新的高品质图片,画面图像愈加清晰,呈现了原画工笔细腻、色泽鲜艳的本色;特12开本的设计,成品尺寸及内文画面较原中文版大了许多,彰显了一种大气磅礴的气势。《三国演义》原著小说早已被译成多种文字在世界各地传播,汉英对照版画册的出版,对弘扬丰富多彩的中华文化更是锦上添花,必将得到中外读者的喜爱。
Colored Painting Complete Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Chinese English Comparison) is the only complete Romance of the Three Kingdoms that has been painted in meticulous and heavy color so far. The book chooses the most representative scenes and characters for composition according to two pictures each time, and recreates the history of the Three Kingdoms with 240 fine color paintings. The book has exquisite scenery, rigorous composition, numerous characters, fine brushwork, rich colors, and strong visual appeal. It is not only popular aesthetic interest, but also has high ancient charm. Both refined and popular taste, with high artistic appreciation value and collection value. This Chinese English version uses new high-quality pictures, which are more clear and present the original painting’s fine brushwork and bright color; The design of the special 12 size edition, the size of the finished product and the text picture are much larger than the original Chinese version, demonstrating a magnificent momentum. The original novel of Romance of the Three Kingdoms has long been translated into many languages and disseminated around the world. The publication of the Chinese English version of the album will further enhance the promotion of the rich and colorful Chinese culture and will certainly be loved by Chinese and foreign readers.

Culture文化 Lilliputian连环画 30P 彩绘全本三国演义09

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