Animal动物 Creation万物 330P 普林斯顿恐龙大图鉴
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《普林斯顿恐龙大图鉴》是2016年2月1日湖南科学技术出版社出版的图书,作者格雷戈里 S.保罗,译者是邢立达。
美国知名学者和艺术家保罗在本书中描述了735个恐龙物种。全书分成两个部分。起始部分包括了恐龙演化、生物学和行为等诸多方面的讨论。主体部分 “恐龙类群”分成三个类群:“兽脚类”、“蜥脚形类”和“鸟臀类”。每一个物种的介绍都很简明,主要包括结构特征、时代、分布和栖息地方面的信息。 整本书还包括了超多600幅彩色和黑白的复原图,其中有130幅生态彩图(一些是精美的场景);将近450幅骨架、头骨、头和肌肉的绘图,还有8幅古地图。
格雷戈里 S.保罗 学者,艺术家。他是《侏罗纪公园》等诸多电影和纪录片的首席恐龙外形复原师,复原了中生代生物的“形象”。保罗著有《掠食恐龙的世界》、《科学美国人图书之恐龙篇》、《飞龙在天》等作品。他的作品同样在《科学美国人》、《自然》、《纽约时报》等诸多出版物中发表。
邢立达,青年古生物学者,科普作家。1982年生于广东潮州,高中时期便创建中国大陆第一个恐龙网站。在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学取得古生物学硕士学位,师从著名古生物学家Philip J. Currie,在中国地质大学(北京)攻读博士学位。中国科普作家协会会员,出版过一批古生物科普书籍,并多次在CCTV各频道为公众介绍古生物知识。
Princeton Dinosaur Atlas is a book published by Hunan Science and Technology Press on February 1, 2016, by Gregory S. Paul and translated by Xing Lida.
Paul, a famous American scholar and artist, described 735 dinosaur species in this book. The book is divided into two parts. The beginning part includes the discussion of dinosaur evolution, biology and behavior. The “dinosaur group” in the main part is divided into three groups: “theropods”, “sauropods” and “bird breeches”. The introduction of each species is very concise, mainly including information on structural characteristics, age, distribution and habitat. The whole book also includes more than 600 color and black and white restoration pictures, including 130 ecological color pictures (some are exquisite scenes); Nearly 450 drawings of skeleton, skull, head and muscle, as well as 8 ancient maps.
The Princeton Dinosaur Illustrated Book is more scientific in language and expression than any other dinosaur book. Its restored pictures are first-class, and it will bring a visual feast to dinosaur lovers.
Gregory S. Paul is a scholar and artist. He is the chief dinosaur shape restorer of Jurassic Park and many other films and documentaries, restoring the “image” of Mesozoic creatures. Paul is the author of “Dinosaur Eating World”, “Dinosaurs in Scientific American Books”, “Flying Dragon in the Sky” and other works. His works have also been published in Scientific American, Nature, New York Times and many other publications.
Xing Lida is a young paleontologist and popular science writer. Born in Chaozhou, Guangdong in 1982, he founded the first dinosaur website in Chinese Mainland in high school. He obtained a master’s degree in paleontology from the University of Alberta in Canada, studied under the guidance of Philip J. Currie, a famous paleontologist, and studied for a doctor’s degree at China University of Geosciences (Beijing). He is a member of the Chinese Association of Popular Science Writers. He has published a number of popular science books on paleontology and has introduced the knowledge of paleontology to the public on CCTV channels for many times.

Animal动物 Creation万物 330P 普林斯顿恐龙大图鉴

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