►   站内排名:No.8971   ◄

Making Dinosaurs into a Dinner is a book published by Zhejiang University Press on February 1, 2012. The author is Xing Lida.
Soft, tender, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft and tender, smoked Dengfisher fish, crispy, fresh, delicious, and moving Wa Clam Sashimi, KFC crispy fried Tyrannosaurus rex, together with a mellow, throat soothing white fruit stew of Xiaoqiaolong soup, and finally a few tasty fish dragon meatballs, a great prehistoric dinosaur meal!
This is a recipe of the dinosaur era, which will attract you to the world of prehistoric dinosaurs with wonderful food smells! The author tells you interesting dinosaur stories while teaching you to prepare various dinosaur ingredients. With humorous writing and profound knowledge, you can’t wait to go back to the Jurassic to catch a dinosaur and eat it!

Animal动物 Creation万物 223P 把恐龙做成大餐


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