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纽约市(New York),隶属于美国纽约州,是美国第一大城市,位于美国东北部沿海哈德逊河口,濒临大西洋,属温带大陆性气候。总面积1214平方千米,下辖5个区,市政厅驻曼哈顿下城市政厅公园内。截至2022年4月,总人口约839.8万人。
New York, affiliated to New York State, is the largest city in the United States. It is located at the Hudson estuary on the northeastern coast of the United States, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, and has a temperate continental climate. With a total area of 1214 square kilometers, it governs five districts. The city hall is located in the lower Manhattan City Hall Park. As of April 2022, the total population is about 8.398 million.

New York was originally inhabited by Indians. In 1524, the Italians came to the Hudson estuary. In 1626, the Dutch bought Manhattan Island from the Indians at a low price. At the corner of the Hudson estuary, it was established as a trading post, called “New Amsterdam”. In 1664, it was captured by Britain and renamed New York, extending to neighboring land and Long Island. In 1686, New York City was established. In 1789, New York became the temporary capital of the United States, where the first President Washington took office. In the early 1920s, New York surpassed London and became the most populous urban area in the world. After the Second World War, New York thrived again and became a world-class metropolis.

New York City is the economic, financial, commercial, trade, cultural and media center of the United States, as well as one of the three major financial centers in the world. Wall Street is known as the barometer of the American economy. New York has 120 higher education institutions such as Columbia University and New York University, as well as 2000 art and cultural institutions. It is the global center of television, advertising, music, newspapers and book publishing, and the largest media market in North America. New York has convenient transportation, dense highway network and developed public transportation. With three international airports, including Kennedy International Airport, New York Port is the busiest port in North America. There are Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Metropolitan Museum and other scenic spots.

In 2019, the GDP of New York City was US $1065.149 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%, and the per capita GDP was US $127764.

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