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在中国术数学中,有发源于《周易》的“三式”其中居首者即为大六壬,彼术数学家誉为三式之最。从《吴越春秋》、《越绝书》和《史记. 龟策列传》中多处有关的记载来看,六壬术的出现时间虽晚于《周易》的成书。但不会晚于春秋后期,国内至今己出土六壬盘式多件,根据考古研究,知多为汉代之物。这说明了六壬在汉代己较盛行。
The “Practical Six Ren Prediction Theory” written by Xianhe Jushi is a set of efficient, accurate, and easy to understand books for predicting people and things, based on the principles and scales of the changes in the sun, moon, star, and chen, using the ten heavenly stems of A, B, C, D, W, Ji, G, X, R, and G, as well as the opposition and unity between the twelve earthly branches of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai, combined with the laws of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Liuren is a divination technique that uses yin, yang, and five elements to determine good or bad fortune. Liuren, Dunjia, and Taiyi are collectively referred to as the Three Styles. The five elements are led by water, and in the ten heavenly stems, Ren and Gui are respectively yang water and yin water. Sheyin takes yang, and among the sixty generations, there are six Ren (Ren Shen, Ren Wu, Ren Chen, Ren Yin, Ren Zi, and Ren Xu), known as the Six Ren. Liuren has 64 lessons, which are based on overlapping celestial and earthly plates engraved with stems and branches. After rotating the celestial plates, the values of the stems and branches, as well as the hour, are determined to determine good or bad luck.
The “Practical Six Ren Prediction Theory” written by Xianhe Jushi is a set of efficient, accurate, and easy to understand books for predicting people and things, based on the principles and scales of the changes in the sun, moon, star, and chen, using the ten heavenly stems of A, B, C, D, W, Ji, G, X, R, and G, as well as the opposition and unity between the twelve earthly branches of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai, combined with the laws of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Liuren is a divination technique that uses yin, yang, and five elements to determine good or bad fortune. Liuren, Dunjia, and Taiyi are collectively referred to as the Three Styles. The five elements are led by water, and in the ten heavenly stems, Ren and Gui are respectively yang water and yin water. Sheyin takes yang, and among the sixty generations, there are six Ren (Ren Shen, Ren Wu, Ren Chen, Ren Yin, Ren Zi, and Ren Xu), known as the Six Ren. Liuren has 64 lessons, which are based on overlapping celestial and earthly plates engraved with stems and branches. After rotating the celestial plates, the values of the stems and branches, as well as the hour, are determined to determine good or bad luck.
In Chinese mathematics, there are three forms that originated from the Book of Changes, among which the first one is the Great Six Rens. The mathematicians of that school praised them as the most of the three forms. According to multiple relevant records in “Wu Yue Chun Qiu”, “Yue Jue Shu”, and “Records of the Grand Historian: Biographies of Gui Ce”, the appearance of the Liu Ren technique was later than the completion of the “Book of Changes”. But it will not be later than the late Spring and Autumn period. Many pieces of the Six Ren Pan style have been unearthed in China to this day, and according to archaeological research, it is known that many of them are from the Han Dynasty. This indicates that the Six Rens were already prevalent in the Han Dynasty.
The Big Six Ren is the first of the three ancient Chinese prediction techniques. As the saying goes, “If you learn the Big Six Ren, you don’t have to ask anyone who comes.”. Da Liu Ren has rich information in prediction, and the energy generated by capturing the moment of human nature within a certain spatiotemporal system greatly exceeds the inherent information field source of humans. The forms of information transformation reflected by people from different temporal and spatial states are different from the constraints of stable conditional factors under normal conditions. The external factors related to the relationship have a promoting effect on the changes in human quality and energy, while the affinity of internal factors hinders the opposite effect of source forces, resulting in changes in human quality and energy.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 314P 实用六壬预测学


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