Comic动漫 Culture文化 228P 圣斗士星矢香港完全版 (18)
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“某日,宙斯將大地委託給雅典娜,隨即消失於虛空的彼方。得知宙斯消失的波賽東欲從雅典娜手中奪取大地的主神之位而開始備戰。他從七大洋召集了健壯的戰士們,其後命名為海鬥士 (Marina)。 波賽東建立了海底王國,卻又覬覦大地。自波賽東侵略大地後,這些「眾神的意志」覺醒者間的勢力之爭被稱為聖戰。當邪惡蔓延世上之際,以雅典娜降臨為聖戰前階段,然後各地的聖鬥士遵奉強製命令趕赴聖域應戰以告終……”
From 2005 to 2006, Shueisha published the complete version of Saint Seiya, consisting of 22 volumes. The traditional Chinese version is distributed by Hong Kong’s Tianxia Publishing House and Taiwan’s Qingwen Publishing House, and includes color pages from the serialization period, magazine covers, and colorful decomposed images of holy clothing.
One day, Zeus entrusted the earth to Athena and immediately disappeared into the void. Upon learning of Zeus’s disappearance, Poseidon sought to seize the position of the main god of the earth from Athena and began preparing for war. He gathered strong warriors from the seven great oceans and later named them Marina. Poseidon established the kingdom of the sea, but coveted the earth. Since Poseidon invaded the earth, these “will of the gods” The power struggle between awakened individuals is known as holy war. As evil spreads in the world, the arrival of Athena marks the pre holy stage of the holy war, and then holy warriors from all over follow mandatory orders to rush to the holy domain to fight and end… “
Masami Cheda, a Japanese manga artist born on December 6, 1953, was once the ace author of the Shueisha film and a veteran who made great contributions to “Young JUMP”. His early works such as “Kojiro” propelled him to become a superior figure in hot blooded comics, and after the birth of “Saints Seiya”, he rose to a higher level. The charm of the work influenced the entire late 1980s, shook Southeast Asia, made great contributions to the development of Japanese hot blooded comics, and also created an unprecedented peak for him personally.

Comic动漫 Culture文化 228P 圣斗士星矢香港完全版 (18)

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