Culture文化 Kungfu武学 193P 《四路华拳》蔡龙云
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蔡龙云 (1928年11月一2015年12月19日),出生于山东省济宁市,中国武术泰斗、著名技击家、中国武术九段。
2015年12月19日,蔡龙云因病医治无效逝世,享年87岁 。
Cai Longyun (November 1928 to December 19, 2015) was born in Jining City, Shandong Province. He is a Chinese martial arts champion, famous fighter, and the ninth dan of Chinese martial arts.

Cai Longyun, born in November 1928 in Jining City, Shandong Province, is a Chinese martial arts champion, famous fighter, and the ninth dan of Chinese martial arts.

At the age of 15, he challenged foreigners and defeated Western boxer and Russian boxer Masolov, causing a sensation in Shanghai and becoming a well-known figure. Because of his nickname “Big Dragon”, he has since enjoyed the title of “Divine Fist Dragon” in the martial arts industry. Formerly served as a martial arts coach in the Sports Department of Shanghai Hualian Tongle Association. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he served as the executive committee member of the Shanghai Martial Arts Association, political counselor of the Martial Arts Team of the Sports Guidance Department of the Central Sports College, director and professor of the Martial Arts Teaching and Research Office of the Shanghai Sports College, vice chairman of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, and national martial arts referee.

On December 19, 2015, Cai Longyun passed away due to ineffective medical treatment, at the age of 87.

Cai Longyun’s father is the famous Cai Guiqin. At the beginning of the last century, Cai Guiqin was a prominent figure in Jin, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and the north and south of the Yangtze River. At the age of eighteen, he was recruited into Suzhou Jinyuan Escort Agency and bravely ventured into the northwest where bandits were rampant, never making any mistakes. It is said that Cai Guiqin is not tall and unattractive, but his movements are as agile as lightning and as powerful as a thunderbolt. He has defeated invincible opponents in Shandong and is known as the “Fist Demon” by people.

As the only son of the family, Cai Longyun naturally took on the heavy responsibility of inheriting his father’s martial arts mantle. At the age of 4, Cai Longyun began practicing martial arts under his father’s strict requirements, starting with basic skills such as waist, leg, and crotch. He practiced his “three feet facing each other” and left and right legs, often a hundred times at a time, with three hundred legs in one breath. Sometimes he fell to the ground and had to get up to practice again. At that time, the practice of ‘Ma Bu Stake’ lasted for half an hour, and the biggest one was for one hour. My father was particularly skilled at me, and I had two cane whips in my house. I thought I was already working hard, but my father was always dissatisfied. “Cai Longyun said, at that time, he was young and had limited physical strength. If he couldn’t support it and fell down, the cane would mercilessly fall on me. When I was a child, there were purple marks all over my hands and back. When it was hot, I was embarrassed to roll up my sleeves. “My father always told Cai Longyun that in order to make a living, one must undergo exercise and endure hardship.” So I never wore a cotton jacket in winter, and the worse the weather, the more I had to practice outside. “Recalling those days when I had to practice basic skills hard, Cai Longyun sighed with regret, “At that time, I got up at four or five o’clock in the morning and practiced until seven o’clock to go to school. After school, I put down my backpack and continued practicing until dinner. After eating, I took a break and then practiced from seven o’clock in the evening until ten o’clock to go to bed.” Cai Longyun said that he had also had the idea of running away from home when he was a child because practicing was too difficult.

Cai Longyun did not disappoint his father’s high expectations, and by the age of 9, his boxing skills were already quite proficient. Facing three feet, eight step series, 18 hands of Arhat, Shaolin Mad Devil Staff, these difficult kung fu, he has already practiced very well. Afterwards, Cai Longyun traveled to Shanghai, widely worshipping famous masters and studying martial arts such as Shaolin, Xingyi, and Bagua. Shaolin boxing is unparalleled in the world, with its dynamic and calm power hidden in it. Cai Jun has gained the strength to control it; Soft is not the end, soft is the end, and hard is the need for strength. Those who are hard first turn soft to become strong, and the wonderful door opens only to the east; The combination of technology and morality is like this, washing the shame of the sick man of East Asia.

In 1943, the Western boxing industry officially proposed to compete with the Chinese martial arts industry. Cai Guiqin and the famous Shanghai martial arts fighter Prince equally selected eight contestants to represent Chinese martial arts in the Western boxing duel. Cai Longyun convinced his parents that as the youngest player in China, he resolutely took on the challenge and was determined to fight for the Chinese people and defeat the foreigners.

In October 1943, various newspapers in Shanghai issued a message: “Chinese martial arts are also valued by the Chinese people, but the fusion of China and the West is an unprecedented feat. On the evening of the 13th, at 8 pm at the Huili Stadium, Chinese martial arts and Western boxing held a match.” The news immediately caused a sensation throughout Shanghai. Tickets worth 50, 70, 100, and 150 yuan were sold out in one go.

Graduated from Shanghai Boren Middle School in 1944.

In 1949, Cai Longyun knocked down Russel, causing him to face various challenges.

At that time, Cai Longyun was excited and confident, determined to make greater contributions to the martial arts industry for the Chinese nation. However, in the old China ruled by the reactionary ruling class, national sports were suppressed, and Cai Longyun’s strengths could not be fully utilized. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, ethnic sports have received attention from the Party and the government.

In 1952, Cai Longyun participated in the Second National Youth Congress.

In 1954, he was one of the first to join the national martial arts team and later served as the captain of the team.

From 1957 to 1960, he worked with other comrades at the National Sports Commission to organize and research martial arts. He participated in drafting the first “Rules for Martial Arts Competition”, wrote basic books on swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and stick boxing, and conducted inspections of martial arts in Guangzhou, Zhejiang, Shaolin Temple, Wuhan, and other places.

In January 1960, he served as the head of the martial arts teaching and research department at Shanghai Sports College and was appointed as an associate professor in 1978. Cai Longyun has repeatedly served as the presiding judge and chief judge of national and international martial arts competitions.

Cai Longyun has trained a large number of famous professors and senior coaches, including Qiu Pixiang, Wang Peikun, Chen Chunming, Gao Xuefeng, and Xu Jinmin.

Before we all talk about innovation, our top priority is to first understand the inherent laws of martial arts and inherit them in order to discuss their development. Martial arts and art have many similarities. Take classical literature for example, various literary genres have different contrasting laws, such as the ups and downs of yin and yang, the twists and turns of ups and downs, and their respective chapters. What is poetry, what is ci, and what is fu? What are the differences between them? Martial arts routines are the same, with its own characteristics Unique connotations beyond technical attacks. What are the rules in the routine? What exactly can be called a routine? Can a series of actions, such as one punch, one punch, one foot, and one punch, be called a routine? We need to settle down, summarize and study well, and there is a lot of knowledge involved Practicing boxing is the same thing, you need to put your heart into it, “Cai Longyun said.” Young people learning boxing is different from us back then. Shouting to learn, but it really taught them a lesson. Once they learn it, they don’t practice anymore. Real Kung Fu requires careful contemplation of every move, and it is impossible to practice it without the tempering of time

Writings such as “Hua Quan”, “Wu Cha Quan”, “Basic Training of Martial Arts Sports”, “Fenshu”, and “Shaolin Temple Fist Stick Explanation” have won the love of many martial arts enthusiasts.

In 1953, as a representative of the East China region, he participated in the National Ethnic Form Sports Games. At this meeting, he won the gold medal with “Hua Quan”, “Emei Dao”, and “Hua Quan Dui Da”.

In 1959, the State Sports Commission awarded him “exemplary individual of the First National Games”.

In 1984, the State Sports Commission awarded him the title of “exemplary individual in the National Wushu Excavation and Integration Work”.

In 1985, he was awarded the title of “National Excellent Sports Referee”.

In 1985, the National Sports Commission awarded him the “New China Sports Pioneer” honorary medal.

In 1988, he was awarded the “Martial Arts Contribution Award” at the China International Martial Arts Festival.

In 1991, he enjoyed the “government special allowance” issued by the State Council.

In 1994, he received the most votes in the nationwide public voting for the “Martial Arts Master”.

The twelve sets of Zu Chuan Hua Quan he practiced have a mellow style, strong, elegant, upright, and handsome. The older generation of martial artists once praised Cai Longyun’s Hua Quan as follows: “Move like an otter, be quiet like a hidden fish, advance like wind and rain, and retreat like a mountain.” They also studied martial arts techniques such as Shaolin, Xingyi, and Bagua.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 193P 《四路华拳》蔡龙云

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