►   站内排名:No.4366   ◄
标签: 29

There were many literary works in ancient China, especially the Book of Changes, which covered all aspects of knowledge, including our destiny, fortune, geomancy, and philosophy of life. The knowledge of geomancy in the Book of Changes can be said to be an important part of Chinese geomancy culture, as well as the experience and wisdom handed down by the ancients. The Book of Changes is not about looking at feng shui, but just speculating on the budget feng shui. Learning feng shui in the Book of Changes is closely related to home feng shui, feng shui, and the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 321P 中国风水文化


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可点 ➠ 2023年-07月-22日 135 s 1
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