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緣起品 第一
Origin First

The “Scarf Box Book” book is a “book sketch” for my own students to refer to. Therefore, only my students can obtain this’ book brief ‘. However, there is no need to look at it in terms of “secret books…” or anything else. The reason why I did not publicly sell this’ book brief ‘in the’ bookstore ‘is simply that I believe the content and narrative tone of these’ book briefs’ are not suitable for ordinary non practitioners to read.

The “Shujian” method volume is divided into four volumes, named after the four volumes of “Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang” in the order of “Thousand Character Wen”.

1: The Heavenly Book – is the basic form of describing “astrology”, a reasonable coordination between guests and hosts, and a reasonable and feasible approach.

2: The ground book – is the observation power of narrating and discussing with “guests”. In modern terms, it is almost “behavioral psychology”, a unique “observation and judgment ability”.

3: Xuanshu – refers to the fusion of “theories” and a concise and refined manual.

4: Yellow Book – It refers to the environment in which female colleagues work, the way they respond to guests and hosts, as well as specific matters related to customers and religion.

As a student, it is not advisable to display these four volumes of books to others at will. I will refer to these four books based on the objective environment and personal characteristics of each practitioner, and prohibit their sale.

Here, I would also like to explain to you why these four volumes of “book slips” should be referred to as “tissue box books”.

Firstly, it is necessary to explain the word “scarf”, which means a large “cloth square scarf”. In the Qing Dynasty, a “suitcase” was already considered a “high-end product”. Therefore, in the Qing Dynasty, when traveling to various ports and staying in “inns”, the belongings carried by “professional life figures” were rarely stored in “suitcases”. One reason is that “suitcases” are very expensive, and the other reason is that they are inconvenient to carry. Therefore, essential items are wrapped in a “medium sized” square scarf. Among these daily necessities, of course, there are some cultural relics such as “book copies”, which are called “towel box books”.

What is the difference between “towel box wood” and ordinary “books” in the Qing Dynasty? Due to the Qing Dynasty, transportation and printing were far less convenient than today. Books can only be purchased in the location of “prefectures and counties”. Another reason is that during the Qing Dynasty, most of the ninth class professions and sects had a strong sense of importance. Some practical personal experiences were handed over to their children as “hand copied” copies, which were then transcribed repeatedly. This type of ‘transcription’. If we speak of it from the perspective of “playing tricks and mysteries”, it is commonly referred to as the “secret book”. Actually, there is nothing ‘secret’ to say. It’s nothing more than ‘there’s no need to paraphrase the meaning of’ plagiarism ‘to people who are not very relevant’.

Some well-known books such as “Poor Tongbao Jian, Ming Xue Xuan Wei, and Ba Zhai Ming Jing…” were all written again by literati and published in the “Scarf Box Book”. Xu Lewu was one of the people who owned some “Scarf Box Books”.

Therefore, the meaning of ‘towel box notebook’ is’ a personal note discussing practical astrological practices’. Due to the differences between today’s social and cultural forms and the social and cultural phenomena of the Qing Dynasty, there are some differences. So I have adjusted some contemporary additions to the ‘towel box book’ that my students have paid. In order to achieve a practical motto that is more realistic and vivid. Removed some “floating text decorations”, with every sentence being “as it is” and every word being “without adding or subtracting”, a kind of “simple and sincere” kind-hearted words of conscience in teacher-student conversations.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 79P 梁湘润-星相书简法卷宇册

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