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《故宫书画图录》是國立故宮博物院出版的图书,作者是國立故宮博物院編輯委員會。《故宮書畫圖錄》,在依時代先後,依其人作品循序編錄, 檢索方便,著錄詳實、校正精確,是精研書畫者不可或缺的工具用書,故宮珍藏之書畫瑰寶盡收眼底,印刷精美,裱裝高雅深具典藏價值。
The Book of Calligraphy and Painting in the Forbidden City is a book published by the National Palace Museum. The author is the editorial committee of the National Palace Museum. The Book of Calligraphy and Painting in the Forbidden City, which is compiled according to the times and the works of its people in order, is an indispensable tool for those who study calligraphy and painting. It is easy to retrieve, detailed and accurate in description and correction. The treasures of calligraphy and painting collected in the Forbidden City can be seen everywhere, beautifully printed, and elegantly mounted.

China国内合集 Painting绘画 331P 故宫书画图录 第二册

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