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明末清初,李自成兵败九宫山。为图东山再起,将宝成藏宝图交结给了手下四位武艺高强的侍卫。李自成死后,为夺宝刀、宝图,四人之间兵戈相见,先后身亡,从此,宝刀、宝图下落不明。 寒风啸啸,白雪飘零,除暴安良。先后获得宝刀,宝图。终于找到藏于雪山中的宝藏。江湖上各门派获悉此事,立即云集雪山,掀起了一场惊天地、泣鬼神的夺宝恶战。
Snow Mountain Flying Fox “is a manga compiled by renowned Hong Kong manga artist Ma Rongcheng, which has been completed.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Li Zicheng defeated Jiugong Mountains. In order to make a comeback, he handed the Treasure map of Baocheng to his four bodyguards who had excellent martial arts skills. After the death of Li Zicheng, four people fought against each other for the treasure knife and treasure map, and died successively. Since then, the whereabouts of the treasure knife and treasure map are unknown. The cold wind howls, the white snow drifts, eliminating violence and ensuring peace. Obtained the treasure knife and treasure map successively. Finally found the treasure hidden in the snowy mountains. Upon learning of this, various sects in the Jianghu immediately gathered in the snowy mountains, sparking a terrifying and ghostly treasure snatching battle.

Comic动漫 Culture文化 54P 雪山飞狐01卷

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可点 ➠ 2023年-07月-14日 90 s 0
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