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本书是介绍狙击手作战的科普图书,书中不仅详细讲述了狙击手作战的历史、主要任务和作战特点,还深入讲解了狙击手的选拔、训练、作战装备等知识。与此同时,本书还针对狙击手作战的几大主要作战形式一一城市狙击作战、山地狙击作战、从林狙击作战、反狙击作战进行了全面和细致的介绍。另外,对历史上和现代军队中一些王牌狙击手的事迹也有所涉猎本书内容翔实,结构严谨,分析讲解透彻,图片精美丰富,适合广大军事爱好者阅读和收藏,也可以作为青少年的科普读物。 This book is a popular science book that introduces sniper operations. It not only provides a detailed account of the history, main tasks, and operational characteristics of sniper operations, but also provides in-depth explanations on the selection, training, and combat equipment of snipers. At the same time, this book also provides a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the main forms of sniper operations – urban sniper operations, mountain sniper operations, forest sniper operations, and anti sniper operations. In addition, this book also delves into the deeds of some ace snipers in the historical and modern military. The content is detailed, the structure is rigorous, the analysis and explanation are thorough, and the pictures are exquisite and rich. It is suitable for military enthusiasts to read and collect, and can also be used as a popular science reading material for teenagers.

Military军武 Record记录 337P 狙击手作战指南

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