►   站内排名:No.3733   ◄
标签: 27

This book includes: Shang and Zhou primitive celadon, Han Dynasty celadon, Three Kingdoms period celadon, Western Jin period celadon, Eastern Jin period celadon, Northern and Southern Dynasties celadon, Tang Dynasty celadon, Five Dynasties celadon, Song Dynasty celadon, Yuan Dynasty celadon, Ming Dynasty celadon, Qing Dynasty celadon, Republic of China celadon, celadon color and porcelain chips of various dynasties.

Author profile: Yu Jiming, a Hangzhou native and antique connoisseur. In the 1970s, he began to devote himself to the collection and research of antiques, covering ancient works of art such as stamps, coins, porcelain, bronze, jade, calligraphy and painting, seals, and rosewood. His long-term and dedicated research has enabled him to identify antiques to a fairly accurate level, with particular accuracy in determining the age of jade objects. He began writing books in 1990 and has published monographs such as “Collection and Appreciation of RMB”, “Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Porcelain Appreciation”, “Dictionary of Celebrities in the Chinese Collection Industry”, and the “Series of Chinese Collection Appreciation Books”.

Antique古董 Art艺术 161P 中国青瓷图鉴

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