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《消逝古国全档案》是2012年中国工人出版社出版的图书,作者是胡杨。《消逝古国全档案》记录了楼兰、西夏、契丹、鲜卑等国的兴盛与灭亡。《消逝古国全档案》内容简介:楼兰:沉睡在沙漠中的神秘古城;楼兰,这个昔日绿草遍地、人流如织的繁荣古城,在公元4世纪以后,却突然神秘消失了,留下的只是“城廓巍然,人物断绝”的不毛之地和待后人破解的千古之谜。可是,直到1000 多年之后,楼兰才终于回到了人们的视线里。西夏:一个不能被历史小觑的王朝;黄昏的阳光洒在西夏古国遗址间,投射着长长短短的斑驳阴影,那曾经的王朝基业、曾有的辉煌,一切都在金戈铁马、血雨腥风中随风而逝。这片土地到底当年有着怎样的传奇事迹呢?契丹:扶摇而起又神秘消失的民族;契丹的本意是“镔铁”,即坚固之意。这个剽悍勇猛、好战威武的民族,在200多年的时间里曾经挥斥长城内外,饮马黄河。然而,自明代以来,契丹人就集体失踪了,人们再也听不到关于他们的消息,这又是为什么呢?鲜卑:嘎仙洞穴走出的游猎部落;站在嘎仙洞口,面对着拓跋鲜卑先帝旧墟,一些大大小小的问题让我们好奇,这样一个茹毛饮血的部落群体,是如何在大鲜卑山的群峰密林之中繁衍生息的?又是如何经历千难万险辗转中原建立伟业的?
The Complete Archives of the Gone Ancient Country is a book published by the China Workers’ Publishing House in 2012. The author is Populus euphratica. The Archives of the Disappearing Ancient Kingdom records the rise and fall of Loulan, Xixia, Qidan, Xianbei and other countries. The Archives of the Gone Ancient Kingdom: Loulan: a mysterious ancient city sleeping in the desert; Loulan, a prosperous ancient city with green grass and numerous people in the past, suddenly disappeared mysteriously after the 4th century A.D., leaving only the barren land of “towering city and broken people” and the eternal mystery to be solved by future generations. However, it was not until more than 1000 years later that Loulan finally returned to people’s sight. Xixia: a dynasty that cannot be underestimated by history; The dusk sun shines on the ruins of the ancient Xixia Kingdom, casting a long and short mottled shadow. The former imperial foundation and glory were all gone with the wind in a bloody battle. What kind of legendary deeds did this land have in those years? Khitan: a rising and mysterious nation; The original meaning of Qidan is “wrought iron”, which means solid. In more than 200 years, this fierce, warlike and powerful nation once denounced the Great Wall and the Yellow River. However, since the Ming Dynasty, the Khitans have disappeared collectively, and people can no longer hear about them. Why? Xianbei: a hunting tribe from Gaxian Cave; Standing at the mouth of Gaxian Cave, facing the old ruins of the former Emperor Tuoba Xianbei, we were curious about how such a tribe group could live and thrive in the mountains and forests of Daxianbei Mountain? How did you go through all kinds of hardships and dangers to build a great cause in the Central Plains?

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