Painting绘画 Skill技巧 181P 超级漫画素描技法10:造型篇
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标签: 28

“Super Cartoon Sketch Techniques and Modeling” is a book published by China Youth Publishing House in 2008. The author is C. C Animation Society. Sketch should be decided at the beginning. What should I draw? Although there are often many problems that need to be explored in painting, the final analysis is to decide by yourself. “Draw this thing like this.” Both the consideration of head body proportion and the balance of painting composition are derived from this. The sketch in painting is a road that must be taken from the initial point of decision to the final completion of the work. This book introduces the skills of cartoon sketch modeling.

Painting绘画 Skill技巧 181P 超级漫画素描技法10:造型篇

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