Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 324P 塔罗牌解读21式(英文)
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塔罗牌是被广泛应用于占卜的一种卡牌。它最初起源于欧洲,主要被用于预测未来、破解难题和指导人类生活。塔罗牌的核心是22张正牌,通常被称为大阿卡那牌(Major Arcana),代表着人生的重大时刻和各种内在变化。
Tarot is a kind of card widely used in divination. It originated in Europe and was mainly used to predict the future, solve problems, and guide human life. The core of Tarot is 22 authentic cards, usually called Major Arcana, which represents major moments and various internal changes in life.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 324P 塔罗牌解读21式(英文)

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