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《实用自然图鉴》是2004年接力出版社出版的图书,作者是里内蓝,蔡山帝,余祖发。地球上的生物约有140万种。在自然的舞台上,这些生物们每天都在上演着风格各异的节目,其精彩程度远远超过人类的想像——春天,花草树木吐露新芽,飞禽走兽们也开始了繁育自己后代的工作;夏天,花草树木郁郁葱葱,新生的动物们在各自的领地里练习着捕猎技巧和躲避天敌袭击的本领;秋天,树木落叶飘零,动物们也在忙着准备越冬,动物们也在忙着准备越冬,候鸟们也开始了亘古不变的万里迁徙的飞行;冬天,动植物们又以各自奇特的越冬方式静待春的来临——比如昆虫的越冬方工就既有以卵的形态种下春的梦想的,也有以幼虫形态等待春天的;既有以蛹的形式冬眠的,也有以成虫形象翘望春风化雨的…… 自然界的奇异与精彩,常常令我们惊奇,同时也令我们感动——感动于造物的神奇!感动于生命的执著与美丽!想念借助这本书,热爱自然的读者将从此开始探索自然,享受自然神奇和美妙的旅程!
Practical Natural Atlas is a book published by Jieli Publishing House in 2004. The authors are Li Neilan, Cai Shandi and Yu Zufa. There are about 1.4 million species of life on the earth. On the stage of nature, these creatures are performing programs of different styles every day, which are far more wonderful than human imagination. In spring, flowers and trees are sprouting, and birds and animals are also breeding their own offspring; In summer, the flowers and trees are luxuriant, and the new animals are practicing their hunting skills and the ability to avoid natural enemies in their respective territories; In autumn, the trees and leaves are falling, the animals are busy preparing for the winter, the animals are busy preparing for the winter, and the migratory birds have started the eternal flight of migration for thousands of miles; In winter, animals and plants wait for the coming of spring in their own peculiar way of overwintering – for example, the overwintering formula of insects not only has the dream of planting spring in the form of eggs, but also waits for spring in the form of larvae; There are those who hibernate in the form of pupae, and those who look forward to the spring breeze and rain in the image of adults… The strange and wonderful nature often surprises us and moves us – moved by the miracle of creation! Moved by the persistence and beauty of life! I miss that with the help of this book, readers who love nature will begin to explore nature and enjoy the magical and wonderful journey of nature!

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