Culture文化 Kungfu武学 263P 《武林轻功绝技》居山·慧根(安在峰)
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中国体育史学会会员、国家二级武术裁判员 徐州市民间文艺家协会理事、徐州市武术协会委员、丰县体育总会副主席兼秘书长、丰县民间文艺家协会主席、丰县晨晚练协会主席、丰县老年人体育协会副主席。在省以上级报刊杂志及网络上发表文学性、技术性、理论性文章500多篇,插图数万幅,出版武术、保健、中医、美容、饮食专著70多部。义务教拳授功3000多人。数十次组队参加国家、省、市级武术、太极拳比赛,获得奖牌100多枚。编著《太极推手秘传》《图说少林七十二艺》《图说少林三绝》《拳击实战提高》《世界拳王争霸绝技》《拍打健身祛病功》《神奇药茶疗法》《神奇药酒疗法》《美容盐》等,并亲手插图数万幅。他的著作多次在全国评比中获奖,如《出招制胜》一书就荣获第七届全国图书“金钥匙”奖优秀奖。县委、县政府也曾多次给予嘉奖并评为先进工作者。
Member of the Chinese Sports History Society, director of Xuzhou Folk Artists Association, national second level martial arts referee, member of Xuzhou Wushu Association, vice chairman and secretary-general of Fengxian Sports Federation, chairman of Fengxian Folk Artists Association, chairman of Fengxian Morning and Evening Exercise Association, and vice chairman of Fengxian Elderly Sports Association. He has published more than 500 literary, technical and theoretical articles, tens of thousands of illustrations, and more than 70 monographs on martial arts, health care, traditional Chinese medicine, beauty, and diet in provincial newspapers, magazines and the Internet. More than 3000 people have been taught boxing on a voluntary basis. Team up for dozens of times to participate in national, provincial and municipal Wushu and Taijiquan competitions, and won more than 100 medals. He compiled “The Secret Biography of Tai Chi Pushing Hands”, “The Seventy Two Arts of Shaolin”, “The Three Wonders of Shaolin”, “The Improvement of Boxing Practice”, “The Unique Skills of World Boxing Championship”, “Beating for Fitness and Healing”, “Magic Medicinal Tea Therapy”, “Magic Medicinal Wine Therapy”, “Beauty Salts”, etc., and illustrated tens of thousands of pictures with his own hands. His works have won many awards in national competitions. For example, his book “Winning by Outcoming” won the Excellence Award of the 7th National Book “Golden Key” Award. The county party committee and the county government have also awarded and evaluated as advanced workers for many times.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 263P 《武林轻功绝技》居山·慧根(安在峰)

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