Event事件 History历史 345P 尼泊尔史 (约翰·菲尔普顿著)
►   站内排名:No.7160   ◄

约翰·菲尔普顿(John Whelpton),一位历史学家和语言学家。现在中国香港任教,曾在尼泊尔旅行和工作过,写有诸多关于尼泊尔的文章和著作,如:《民主和尼泊尔社会的变化》。
The History of Nepal is a book published by the Oriental Publishing Center in 2016 by John Phempton.
This book is one of the “Oriental Cambridge World History Library” series. This book starts with a basic introduction to the environment, politics and society of the central Himalayan region before 1743, and tells the history of Nepal. Its themes include regional unity and Brahmanization, the strengthening of autocracy, the exploration of “development”, Nepal’s social change, and the process of democracy.
John Whelpton is a historian and linguist. He is now a teacher in Hong Kong, China. He has traveled and worked in Nepal, and has written many articles and books about Nepal, such as Democracy and Social Changes in Nepal.

Event事件 History历史 345P 尼泊尔史 (约翰·菲尔普顿著)

历史上的今天 ( 25 ):

可点 ➠ 2022年-11月-01日 88 s 0
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