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《民末上海影像》是一本经过精心选辑的历史相册,它从美国《LIFE / 生活》杂志中挑选出来。这本相册记录了解放前夕上海的珍贵历史瞬间,展现了当时社会状况、政治人物和市井百态。这些照片拍摄于1940年至1949年之间,通过镜头的捕捉,生动地描绘了这座曾经繁华的国际都市正处于贫困、腐败和混乱的包围之中。
《民末上海影像》选辑自美国《LIFE / 生活》杂志。其内容主要是记录在解放前夕上海(这座曾经繁华的国际都市正处于贫困、腐败和混乱的包围之中)的社会状况、政治人物、市井百态、外国人的生活。这些照片大致拍摄于 1940 至 1949 年。
Shanghai Imaging at the End of the People’s Republic of China. Part 1. American Life Magazine. 1940s to 1949
“Shanghai Images at the End of the People’s Republic of China” is a carefully selected historical album selected from the American magazine LIFE/Life. This album records precious historical moments in Shanghai on the eve of the liberation, showcasing the social conditions, political figures, and various aspects of the city at that time. These photos were taken between 1940 and 1949, vividly depicting this once bustling international city surrounded by poverty, corruption, and chaos through camera capture.
Selected from LIFE/Life magazine in the United States. Its content mainly records the social conditions, political figures, various aspects of the market, and the lives of foreigners in Shanghai (a once bustling international city surrounded by poverty, corruption, and chaos) before the liberation. These photos were roughly taken from 1940 to 1949.

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