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作为著名的意大利圣甲虫公司(Lo Scarabeo s.r.l)推出的第一款中文产品,本套装无疑具有非常的收藏价值。本书是“塔罗一生VITAROT丛书”(请参见www.vitarot.com)中的第一本,书中系统全面地介绍了塔罗牌的历史衍进、符号象征和展开法。每章都配有 导读注释,十分适合于塔罗牌初学者。本书将是一扇开向塔罗牌世界的窗,透过它,你将会读懂牌中隐含着的信息,牌中的精灵们将引领你触及深埋心底的秘密。
本书所配的《文艺复兴塔罗牌》是由Pietro Alligo设计,Giorgio Trevisan绘制。它的设计灵感来自于著名的韦特塔罗牌 (Rider Waite Tarot),在保持卓越的占卜能力的同时,它拥有更加漂亮而幽雅的牌面,作为塔罗艺术的欧洲范本,无论是牌面精美的手绘图案还是牌本身优秀的制作品质都传达了一种精致而随意的意大利情调。
Tarot Moments is a book published by China Film Publishing House in 2004, written by Dior.
The Tarot card, which was born in Italy, has been suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church for a hundred years and has not been destroyed, which indicates the inevitability of the existence of this ideological system. Tarot is a kind of wisdom that teaches people to try to grasp the unknown, maintain positivity and magnanimity in both good and bad times, and never give up hope.
Is it accurate to predict fate with tarot cards? Who is the mysterious figure in Tarot cards? What is the connection between gypsies and tarot cards?
This book will take you back to Renaissance Europe, unveiling its mysterious veil and allowing you to glimpse the historical evolution, rituals, and various allusions and legends of the “Book of Elves” – the Tarot card.
Has Renaissance culture moved away from today? Not so. The spirit of that era still permeates these cards: life in castles and noble palaces, poetry in elegant courtyards, and the hard work of ordinary people at home and on the roadside. The glory of knights, the cunning of nobles and people’s quarrels, the spiritual worries of mystics, the search for knowledge by magicians and alchemists, all of these are resurrected in the Renaissance Tarot… that extraordinary era that has never been far away.
As the first Chinese product launched by the famous Italian company, Lo Scarabeo s.r., this set undoubtedly has great collectible value. This book is the first in the Vitarot series (see www.vitarot. com), which provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the historical evolution, symbolic symbolism, and unfolding of the Tarot card. Each chapter is accompanied by guide notes, making it very suitable for beginners in tarot cards. This book will be a window into the world of tarot cards, through which you will understand the information hidden in the cards, and the elves in the cards will lead you to explore the secrets buried deep in your heart.
The Renaissance Tarot card accompanying this book was designed by Pietro Alligo and painted by Giorgio Trevisan. Its design inspiration comes from the famous Rider Waite Tarot card. While maintaining excellent divination ability, it has a more beautiful and elegant card face. As a European model of Tarot art, whether it is the exquisite hand drawn patterns on the card face or the excellent production quality of the card itself, it conveys a delicate and casual Italian atmosphere.

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