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邵康节(一O一一~一O七七)邵康节(康节为谥号)名雍,字尧夫。宋朝时代的著名卜士。北宋真宗大中祥符4年(公元1011年)12月25日(辛亥年辛丑月甲子日甲戌辰)生于范阳(今河北涿州大邵村)。幼年随父邵古迁衡漳(今河南林县康节村),又迁共城(今河南辉县),37岁时移居洛阳。 是中国占卜界的主要代表人物。《梅花易数》是他的发明的占卜方法。可是这本书版本很多,估计已经是传伪了。先天易学是他的主要代表作。可是在他的著作中关于先天易学叙述的并不详细。朱熹的《周易本义》对于先天易学作了详细的介绍。
Illustrated Plum Blossom Counting: Great Wisdom to Solve the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth was published by Shaanxi Normal University Press on November 1, 2008. This book tells the mathematical theory and practical skills of Plum Blossom Counting in a new graphical form, simple language and exquisite hand drawn pictures according to a rigorous logic system. Even readers who have no foundation in ancient Chinese and knowledge of the Book of Changes can effortlessly read the Mathematics in the Illustrated Book of Changes.

The “Mathematics in the Illustrated Book of Changes” will tell you that the “Book of Changes” is the first of the Six Classics, with rich and profound meanings, and its writings have been interpreted from various angles endlessly. The great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shao Kangjie, delved into the mathematical and physical relationships of all things in the universe, turning complexity into simplicity, and summarized a set of simple, easy to implement, and flexible Yi Xue prediction methods, commonly known as the “Plum Blossom Yi Shu”. The book “The Book of Changes of Plum Blossoms” contains rich ancient mathematical ideas and scientific mathematical methods in China, hence it is also referred to by scholars as “the mathematics in the Book of Changes”. Since the Song Dynasty, this method has been widely used, so it has been widely circulated among the people for nearly a thousand years.

Shao Kangjie (1011-1777) Shao Kangjie (posthumous title for Kangjie) was named Yong and the name was Yaofu. A famous diviner during the Song Dynasty. He was born in Fan Yang (now Dashao Village, Zhuozhou, Hebei Province) on December 25, the 4th year of Dazhong Xiangfu in the Northern Song Dynasty (A.D. 1011) (Xinchou month, Jiaziri, Jiaxuchen, Xinhai year). At a young age, he moved with his father Shao Gu to Hengzhang (now Kangjie Village, Nanlin County, Henan Province) and then to Gongcheng (now Huixian County, Henan Province). At the age of 37, he moved to Luoyang. He is a major representative figure in the field of Chinese divination. The Book of Changes in Plum Blossoms “is a divination method invented by him. But there are many versions of this book, and it is estimated that it has already been falsified. Congenital Yixue is his main representative work. However, the description of innate Yi learning in his works is not detailed. Zhu Xi’s “The Original Meaning of the Book of Changes” provides a detailed introduction to innate Yi studies.

The Mathematical Plum Blossom Numbers in the Illustrated Book of Changes: The Great Wisdom to Solve the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth “is a modern interpretation of the Book of Changes prediction. Understand Chinese mathematical thinking and trace the origin of traditional Chinese philosophy. 500 exquisite hand-painted illustrations in the entire book, transforming abstraction into intuition; One hundred thousand words are simple and easy to understand, turning obscurity into conciseness. Zero foundation of the Book of Changes, zero starting point of ancient Chinese writing, and a shortcut to predictive studies of the Book of Changes. The Book of Changes is the first of the Six Classics, with rich and profound meanings. It has always been interpreted from various perspectives in numerous works. The great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shao Kangjie, delved into the mathematical and physical relationships of all things in the universe, turning complexity into simplicity, and summarized a set of simple, easy to implement, and flexible Yi Xue prediction methods, commonly known as the “Plum Blossom Yi Shu”. The book “The Book of Changes of Plum Blossoms” contains rich ancient mathematical ideas and scientific mathematical methods in China, hence it is also referred to by scholars as “the mathematics in the Book of Changes”. Since the Song Dynasty, it has been widely circulated. On the basis of thorough research on relevant domestic materials, we have used graphic editing techniques to provide concise illustrations of the original book, in order to help readers understand Yi Li and draw wisdom from traditional culture.

The characteristics of Mathematics in Illustrated I Ching: absorb the essence of the original book, and adapt the profound and obscure classics of I Ching into easy to understand introductory reading materials. 500 exquisite hand-painted illustrations vividly depict the profound and mysterious Yi Li. Change the profound and obscure Classical Chinese into modern Chinese, and read without obstacles without understanding ancient Chinese. Explore the relationship between all things in the universe and comprehensively interpret the subtleties of the plum blossom numbers.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 322P 图解梅花易数


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