Comic动漫 Culture文化 36P 射雕英雄传(黄玉郎版)061卷
►   站内排名:No.6339   ◄
标签: 98

The Legend of the Condor Hero “is a martial arts manga adapted from Jin Yong’s eponymous martial arts novel” The Legend of the Condor Hero “and written by Huang Yulang.

The heavy snow is falling and sudden changes are happening… In the Niujia Village of Lin’an, which is located near a corner of Pian’an, the Guo and Yang families unexpectedly encounter an irreversible fate of resistance. In the night of snow and rain, their families perish! From then on, Guo Jing embarked on a legendary life, facing an unpredictable future. Who deserves to be called a hero? For the country and the people, the great hero!

Comic动漫 Culture文化 36P 射雕英雄传(黄玉郎版)061卷

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